Seasons of Mothering

We're all at different stages in this journey called mothering.

As the mother of an infant, what do you need?

Time to sleep.
Time to catch up on housework.
Time for yourself.

As the mother of a toddler or a preschooler, what do you need?

Time to catch your breath.
Time to take two breaths without answering the question, “Why?”
Time to be an adult and read something other than Goodnight Moon.

As the mother of a school-age child, what do you need?

Time to catch up on the laundry.
Time to work on projects that don’t involve the science fair.
Time to think about who you are.

As the mother of a preteen or teen, what do you need?

Time to drive somewhere other than school, sports, and after-school activities.
Time to figure out your child’s encroaching “teenhood.”
Time to work out what the mom of a teen does.
(Actually, you need a time machine to go back to the days when you were cool.)

As the mother of a high school graduate, what do you need?

Time to reassess your marriage now that’s it’s not filled with kids.
If your child is at college, you probably have too much time on your hands.
If your child is still at home, you need time to grasp how to mother an adult child.

No matter what Season of Mothering you’re in, time is a pressing concern. The key is to use it wisely. If you want to control these mothering moments instead of them controlling you, you have to think ahead.

Take the long view of motherhood.

Believe it or not...
  • The mother of an infant will someday be watching him cross the stage to get his diploma.
  • The toddler mom will someday wish for a little chatter in the household.
  • The day will come when the teen’s mom will actually miss sitting through the basketball game.

There are several benefits to the long view of motherhood.

  • You realize this stage is not forever.
  • You empathize with moms who are traveling the road you’ve gone.
  • You can reach out and minister to others.
  • You mother more effectively because your actions consider the long-term benefit for your child.

So, take the long view, no matter what stage you find yourself in.

As part of that, reach out and help other mothers who are on the road you’ve traveled. We moms need each other!

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12)

For ideas on how to help yourself and other moms, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter. Weekly encouragement right to your inbox!

1 comment:

My life in a blog said...

What a great blog! I found your blog through Melinda's parenting confessions and I am so grateful! I'm a mother of an infant and a toddler, and reading this post (after a rough day, might I add) sure helped me to keep things in perspective!! Thanks!

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