Welcome to Outnumbered Moms Everywhere

This is a place for you.

If you’re outnumbered today – by your kids, your worries, your obligations – this is a place of hope and help.

Stop by for words of encouragement and inspiration. Be informed and enlightened from time to time. Share a smile or a tear. Form a common bond with moms of all kinds.

When you get right down to it, we moms share a lot, whether we’re mothering kids big or small. If we can encourage one another and unite in love, we’ll have accomplished quite a bit.

So, stay tuned. Run by. Check in from time to time.

Be encouraged and be an encouragement, too.


Jamie said...

HI Laura! Thanks for visiting my site- yours is wonderful. I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only mom who feels overwhelmed. I'll be back to visit again soon!

Tamika: said...

Hi Laura! I'm so glad you stopped by my place. You have a beautiful site here filled with every inspiration for the woman. What a fabulous ministry!

Willow said...

Hello Laura, Welcome to FFF!

I'm from the Golden State and we don't have snow here in the southern part either. However, I don't miss it. I love my sunshine!

Happy New Year!

Susanne said...

You did great! Welcome to FFF!

Having family all home and together is a precious gift! So glad you had yours all gathered!

Taking time for one another during a busy season is such an important thing and can so easily be forgotten in the busyness of the season. Such a great reminder.

We're definitely enjoying the crisp and cold here!

Happy new Year to you and your family! Hope to see you again for the FFF!

Clella said...

Laura, the site looks great. You can be such an inspiration to mothers. What an opportunity for you and for the women you will be reaching. I really like the Five Favorites on Friday idea and may try to incorporate it in some way. Blessings Clella

Anonymous said...

Great list! Happy new year. :O)

Deb said...

I'm with you on the first two:

Having my family together.

And my darlin' husband paying me lots of attention.

It doesn't get much better than that.

Sweet dreams.

Melinda said...

Hi Laura!
Your blog looks so great and I love the name, "Outnumbered Mom." You must be so excited for your book to come out!!

You do, indeed, have many blessings. And it does help to focus on all the things going right with our lives. The Enemy wants to keep us focused on all the things we don't have and ways we fall short.

I'll be excited to see how your blog continues to develop in 2010!

Andrea said...

Hello, Laura! You have such a lovely blog! So encouraging and inspirational!

Thank you for visiting me. I do hope you will return.

God bless,


P.S. The world needs more mothers like you!

Jamie said...

You've got a great list of faves and a great blog as well!

Michelle DeRusha said...

Hi Laura,
Thanks for visiting my blog -- it's nice to meet you! And I am with you...totally outnumbered. My red-headed 4-year-old alone outnumbers me singlehandedly! :)

Johnnie Alexander said...

Five Faves:
*Family, including the two sons-in-law and three grandbabies that God has brought into our family the past few years
*Kindred Heart Writers
*Reuniting with long-ago friends this year
*My completed novel
*Pooh's Corner (my writing room)

Laura, love your site and passed it on to my girls!

Katina Sharp said...

You have 4 boys and survived, huh? Thanks for stopping by my page. I have enjoyed looking over yours as well and hope to come back when I have a few more minutes to browse. Tell me, experienced one, when will that be?! :) -Katina

FilledToTheBrim - Kate said...

Love your blog!

Holly Lefevre said...


Thank you for stopping by my blog. I very much enjoyed Friday's Fave Five list What a great way to celebrate a week and focus on the positive.

I also enjoyed your comments about discipline. I hold true to being the kind of person I want me kids to be. I follow rules, show respect, treat others kindly. They watch everything!

Holly @ 504 Main

mommy to six J's said...

Hi Laura Your blog is such an inspirtation to others thanks for sharing. My life is so overwhelmimg right now thanks for sharing that I am not alone out here have a blessed day

Willow said...

Hi Laura,
I'm pleased that I can remind you of your #1 son. Anything that reminds us of our children is a good thing!

I enjoyed your FFFs this week again and am glad you are participating!

Have a happy weekend!

Susanne said...

Hi Laura. I don't know if I did this correctly. It seems I'm in the comments from the first FFF you did but I can't seem to locate the ones for today.

But I loved your five. That comment from the movie is awesome. I'm so going to rewatch that this weekend so I can hear that.

Your son sound like he's very musically talented. That is such a great gift.

Faith said...

Thanks for checking out my site! love your blog...I am gonna be back....I used to do a newsletter for moms of young children called Child's Play...I see you do one for moms as well. awesome!! Now that my children are older (16, 11) I am no longer writing it as am back to teaching part time and doing lots of ministry but...I learned alot from doing it....your blog is full of great stuff!! loved your fave fives

Lisa notes... said...

"He believes in us"--what a great quote. I've never seen the movie, but perhaps I should rent it for my own high school sophomore to watch...

Kari said...

What a great list.
such a very true quote. I love seeing my kids happy too.
happy weekend.

Hazel said...

Thanks for sharing that great line from the Count of Monte Cristo. It's been awhile since World Literature class. It's great to be reminded. And thanks for visiting my blog and leading me to yours which is such a blessing to read. I'm surely outnumbered by issues surrounding a divorced mom.

Anonymous said...

Ugh. Your first one about communication reminds me of talking with my mom. I always feel like she began the conversation 20 minutes before she picks up the phone to call me!

Emily said...

You have such a great site here! I'm glad I found you, and I can't wait to hear your son's song!

Unknown said...

thanks for the visit! You should come back and read today's post, I think you might like it! :)
You comment, I follow... or subscribe, whichever! Have a blessed day!

I didn't know someone else did Five Friday Favorites... I do it too! (thought I made it up LOL)

Muthering Heights said...

It sounds like a great week! :)

Holly Lefevre said...

Really enjoyed the thoughts about being a mom...some of the good things I need to be reminded of every now and then.

Muthering Heights said...

Thanks for the link! :)

Karen said...

Grace, I think God gives it more when we need it most. Great post, dear friend.

Jeanette Levellie said...

Laura: Thanks for visiting my blog. What an honor from one so busy with Important Matters-family.

I admire your goal of encouragaing moms--we need that most of all.

Bless you,
Audience of ONE

Julie Gillies said...

Hi Laura,

What a nice surprise to find your face in my blog comments!

I love, love, LOVE your website! I'm so excited for you! What an outstanding resource for moms you've pulled together here. I don't see your book mentioned anywhere (?). When is it coming out?

Many blessings to you, Laura, as you reach out to moms. May God grant you favor and success, my friend.

Deb said...

"...the latest bit of grace...."

Well, I think that it would have to be this morning. I read a verse about Jesus forgiving a man and then healing him.

The forgiving part really caught my attention.

And today...my big, fat mouth got the best of me.

Now, I didn't use bad words or anything like that.

It's just that my speech wasn't gracious. Or loving. Or very kind.

But He forgave that man of his sins.

And He forgives me of mine. Over and over.

I think that's grace.

What do you think?

Sweet dreams.

My Journey to Hope said...

Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog! I feel encouraged just knowing that you're surviving raising 4 boys! :) I really like your favorites for the week. I'm reminding myself to stop and take time to praise the Lord for the little blessings He sends along the way each day. Thanks for the inspiration!

:) Michelle

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