Words and Friends: Friday's Fave Five #4

Friday, January 29, 2010

Time to review the blessings of the week. Looking over mine this week, I decided they consisted of friends and words – a great combination. Here are few things that made my week great:

1. A “final” edit – I did the final edit on my book, I’m Outnumbered: One Mom’s Lessons in the Lively Art of Raising Boys.

I’m a real rookie at this, but the publisher tells me the next step is to look over the galley pages in March or April. The cover has been designed, and the catalog containing the book was printed this week. It’s really going to happen! It’s slated to release in the fall, and I am oh-so-excited!

2. Dear friends – I’m honored to be part of an online writer’s group, and we got together a week ago. We spend most of the year communicating via email, and it was such a joy to hug one another. We did miss our Ohio member who was stuck in cold country – but we got to see and talk to her via Skype. What fun! You can meet my writing buddies here.

3. The imagery in scripture – I read Proverbs 4:18 this week, and just loved the imagery:

“The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.”

I know people like that – they shine with His love, like the first gleam of day, growing brighter all the time. What a blessing “dawn friends” are.

4. Serendipity – I blogged about this word yesterday, and you can scroll down to see that. It’s such a neat word to write and say, and it’s so much fun to experience. I love serendipity!

5. A quote from G.K. Chesterton – A person is fully human, Chesterton says, “when joy is the fundamental thing in him, and grief the superficial. Melancholy should be an innocent interlude, a tender and fugitive frame of mind; praise should be the permanent pulsation of the soul. Pessimism is at best an emotional half-holiday; joy is the uproarious labor by which all things live.”

Isn’t that rich? It inspired me, and I’ll be blogging about moms and joy in the coming days, so stay tuned.

Hope you had a great week. Leave a comment and share your blessings with us. Thanks to Living to Tell the Story for hosting FFF.



Victoria said...

Words and friends... two of the most wonderful and powerful forces in the world. I'm glad you had a great week!

Hazel said...

Congratulations on the upcoming release. Serendipity is such a neat word for a mom on so many ocassions.

Willow said...

Congratulations on publishing the book! It is so much work that I'm sure you'll be relieved when it's finished and gone to press.

I love the word serendipity!

Rita said...

Congratulations! that is very exciting. I can't undertand why but saying the word serendipity makes me feel Good.

Unknown said...

Wow publishing a book, now that is something to get excited about! :) I like your scripture imagery, I never thought of it that way, as having "dawn friends." Great imagery! :)

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Sandy, I can't find you! Do you have a blog? Would love to email you. My email is on my blogger profile page. Hope to hear from you.

Thanks for visiting.

Jean Wise said...

Laura, your Friday fave Fives are a blessing!!

SuziCate said...

Congrats on the book...that is sooo awesome!!!! Thanks for sharing those links, also.

Deb said...


Congratulations! Fall will be here before you know it, and your book will be out. What a tremendous help it will be for mothers of boys.

How exciting that you got to meet your writing buds face-to-face. Melinda and I talk and send E-mails frequently, but we haven't met yet. Maybe someday!

Hope you enjoy the weekend.

Sweet dreams.

Karyn said...

WOW! Congratulations on the book! I cannot imagine how excited you must be!

I have 4 boys as well - oldest is 31, youngest 20 - Sons are awesome!

The verse in proverbs is beautiful and encouraging.

Serendipity is one of my favorite words, as well. It is so happy.

Thanks for the Chesterton quote. Oh, if we could all live this way - always!

Susanne said...

Congratulations on another step to the realization of your book!

Loved the quote and the Psalm!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting me at Hummingbird Creek and for your kind words.
I loved reading your FFF. Congrats on the book! That's quite an accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

That #1 is definitely exciting news! What an accomplishment it must feel to have the final edit done. Congrats! I like your #3 and how you are seeing it in people.

Karen said...

Laura, love this idea for Fridays!! Your quote from Chesterton--enlightening. Great post, dear friend.

JM said...

Congratulations on your first book! that is sooOo incredible!

Oh and I love LOVE love #3. This is going in my notebook of scriptures :)

Thanks for visiting me @ The Infamous... See you around the blogosphere :)

Kathy Cassel said...

That's exciting that your book will be out in the fall.

Muthering Heights said...

That's very exciting about your book! Does that mean you're close to the end of the process?

Julie Gillies said...

Well, Laura, I believe I can join you in being grateful for friends and words, as I'm thankful for both!

It must be a huge relief to have finished all the edits. I can't imagine your excitement level. Woo-hoo! *high five*

P.S. I love the imagery in the scripture you quoted. So beautiful. Sigh. :)

RA said...

Wow, congrats on your book! I enjoyed reading your blessings this week. Have a wonderful new week ahead :)

Lisa notes... said...

How exciting about your book! Maybe one day I'll take that leap, too. I pray that the Lord will use your book in a mighty way for his glory.

I love the imagery in scripture, too. God is so creative, huh?

My Journey to Hope said...

Thanks for your sweet words on my blog! And you're right, that quote by Chesterton is wonderful!

:) Michelle

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