Things to Do, People to Respect and Love: Friday's Fave Five

Friday March 19, 2010
Welcome to Friday’s Fave Five.

Join me as I look back at the week’s blessings.

If you’re a blogger who would like to join us, visit Susanne at Living to Tell the Story to find out how.

Grab a cup of tea and pull up a chair as I share my blessings for this week.

1. Completion! If you read my Three Words to Start the Week, you know I was wishing my rough drafts were graded. Well, indeed, they are now. If you listen carefully, you’ll hear a huge sigh of relief across broadband. Now I have a breather until the completed final papers are turned in, in April.

2. Moving on to a loved project. This was part of my motivation for getting those rough drafts graded. Now I have time to work on my novel! I just can’t wait to get back to it.

3. A media icon to respect. Did you happen to hear about the death of Fess Parker yesterday? That took me back to my own childhood and transported me to my own boys’ coonskin cap days. And a sweet moment – I got an email from my oldest son with the subject: Davy Crockett. It had a link to the report on Fess Parker’s passing. Then my son had written, “I miss my childhood.” On the television news tonight, the anchor reported that Fess Parker had been married to his wife for 50 years. Neat, huh?

4. A phone call. Going back to Three Words to Start the Week, I mentioned my husband's and my desire to be past this busy time. I got a nice phone call the other day, out of the blue, from that sweet hubby, just to say, “I miss you.” And we have Friday night plans!

5. Women’s History Month. Did you know March is National Women’s History Month? I write for a shared blog with some lovely writer friends, and we’re highlighting our favorite women writers this month. Go check it out and read about famous women who wielded a pen with skill! (While you’re there, you’ll meet the lovely women I write with – Kindred Heart Writers. I love them dearly.)

How about you? What are your blessings from this past week?
Leave a comment and share with us.

Happy weekend!


Hazel said...

What a wonderful week you have - rough drafts done, writings going on, mail from you son and a sweet act from your husband. I'm interested in no. 5; I knew March is International Women's month. I didn't know it's also Women's History month or are they sort of related?

Have a great weekend.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Hazel -- yes, March is National Women's History Month. I've added the link to my blog, so you can read more about it!


Anonymous said...

I was sad to hear about Fess Parker. Loved him on the YTV series, and I think he was the dad in Old Yeller, too, wasn't he? How neat that he was married for 50 years.

I'm glad you got all the grading done. I didn't know you were working on a novel! Is it your first? I will definitely check out those links.

Have fun with your Friday night plans. :-)

Carrie said...

I'm very glad to hear about Fess Parker on your list. =) I did hear about it and I do have some good memories of my own.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Marg said...

I love stopping by here, watching what you are doing with those little ones....
It's interesting that you write about famous women...I'm just starting to launch a new post each Wednesday called Wonderful Women's Wednesday. You can see my first post this week.

ellen b. said...

Glad you finished the dreaded project and moved on to the loved one :0)
Good ole Fess Parker. I remember watching those shows when I was little.
Have a great weekend.

Lisa notes... said...

I love to complete things, too. So nice to cross things off my list. Enjoy your night with your hubby!

Susanne said...

I love when a phone call from hubby comes with weekend plans. Enjoy your evening.

Finishing a not fun project that let's you get to the one that thrills you is awesome.

Donnetta said...

The feeling of big projects being accomplished. Nothing quite like it.

We too did some reminiscing at the news of "Davy Crockett's" passing.

Phone calls such as the one you received out of the blue are the very best kind!

Happy Friday.

Karen said...

I love your list! I hadn't heard about Fess Parker. It makes me sad. I remember him as Daniel Boone. My brothers and I never missed an episode on Sunday nights!

I'm off to check out the Women Writers website. Thanks for the link.

Have a good weekend, Laura.

Karen said...

I'm thankful for every Friday!! Yeah!

Annesta said...

What a great week you had. It is great when we can look back and see that we have met goals and followed through with our list.
Thanks also for sharing about National Womens Month. I will be so interested in visiting your other blog.

Susannah said...

I didn't know about National Women's History Month... thanks for the heads up (and link).

It's interesting to think about the difference between women's contributions in the private sphere vs. the public sphere.

Traditionally, the former hasn't made the history books. That won't be true for the history of the past 50 years though. But then, what will be said about the well-being of the children of those full-time career Moms? Only time will tell us.

A thought-provoking post! Happy FFF.

Blessings, e-Mom @ Chrysalis

Robin said...

It always nice when I get to do something I want to do instead of those things I need to do.

Have a great weekend.

p.s. check out the giveaway on my blog

Jientje said...

I don't think I've heard about Fess Parker before, but I gather he must have been a great icon to Americans.
An email from your son and a phonecall from your hubby, those are happy moments to cherish, I agree. Good luck on the novel and have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

We were sad to hear of Fess Parker's passing also, and that, at 85, he passed away on his wife's 84th birhtday after 50 years of marriage.

I hope you had fun on your Friday night date. May your life slow down enough to enjoy more of them :)

Have a great FIRST WEEKEND OF SPRING ... and thank you for stopping by to say hi.

Glenda said...

Laura, this is my first visit to your blog, and reading through your most recent posts has been a blessing! As a retired teacher, I identify with the busyness, the challenges, and the joys of teaching! This line in one of your posts jumped out at me: "I love to see them scouring the book as I do the voices, or see their eyes riveted on me as I read." That was always a rewarding moment for me, too, and brought make many good memories. Your mention of Fess Parker also prompted me to recall how much our family enjoyed his Daniel Boone T.V. shows. So, "thanks for the memories" today!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your faves.
# 4 is so sweet!

Terry Castle said...

I'm so glad to find you. I will look to you for your enthusiasm and sanity. Four boys, WOW.

How are you feeling about the first one leaving home?

I'm going to have to go back and visit all your blogs.

Muthering Heights said...

It must be a great feeling to have your drafts completed! :)

Anonymous said...

What a great exercise! One of my blessings this week is finding your blog. :)

Emily said...

What wonderful blessings!

Have fun working on your novel!

Mom vs. the boys said...

I have an award for you over on my site!
if you haven't already entered my giveaway, feel free to do that while you are visiting, it ends tomorrow at midnight

Anonymous said...

Ahh, as a former history teacher, I know that triumphant feeling of finishing a stack of papers. A blessing indeed! Congratulations on all that hard work.

My biggest blessing this week was the very real arrival of spring. Delicious!

Rita said...

Love to read about your Friday's Five. I have to much to be grateful at this time in my life!
It is Spring!that is always a blessing.
Thank you for your visits Laura.

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