If you’re a faithful FFF-er and didn’t hear from me last Friday, it was because I was on a bus with the aforementioned 58 kids. I’ll be sure to visit you this weekend.
If you’re new to Friday’s Fave Five and would like to know how to join in, visit Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for all the details.
Now, on to this past week’s blessings.
1. Home. What a fun week it was, but it’s always so good to get home to your own bed, your own shower, and a dear hubby. We traveled a lot of miles, too, so I’m thankful for safety on the road as well.
2. A great job. I’m so blessed to be able to share in the lives of kids. It’s neat to look around a campfire at faces full of hope and promise and know that these students will be scattering all across the nation. They’ll take their talents, their compassion, and their faith with them – and It’s a blessing to have been a little part of their lives.
3. Family gatherings. We have one coming up, so next week will be another full and exciting week. My senior son graduates next week, and all the family is coming in. We’re already busy getting ready and I can’t wait to have a full house!
4. Lessons learned. I gathered plenty of writing fodder this week, and I’ll be posting more about that in the coming week. “Lessons Learned from the Class of 2010,” perhaps.
Here’s just a quick one from our climb up a mountain. If you keep your eyes glued to the path, you’ll miss the miracles along the way. We climbed and climbed, and then…we stopped to rest. There was so much to see. Beautiful tiny waterfalls, an occasional lone purple flower, the incredible pattern of a leaf canopy. Slow down and take in the beauty along the path.
5. Words of wisdom. I finished a Jane Kirkpatrick novel this week, and I noted this quote: “It isn’t the perfect pose that matters…but how one adapts. This is a lesson we keep relearning, for we really control so little – our attitudes and choices.”
How we value the perfect pose; we often see our adapting as second best. When we remember that we do control so little, we can be empowered by what we do control – our attitudes and our choices. And our adaptations are proof that we’re learning from the past. Our desire for our own perfection is so overrated.
Hope you had a great week. Thanks for visiting. Would love to hear from you!
Happy Friday,

Sounds like a great week. Enjoy your company this weekend! :O)
Welcome home! Your adventurous week sounds full of stories. Enjoy your weekend and the upcoming graduation!
Can't wait to start going on trips with my boys!! so exciting!
What a wonderful trip with lots of lessons on top of fun! Glad you are home safely!
I admire you for taking on chaperoning 58 students! Wow!
There really IS no place like home - nothing makes that clearer than being away.
Thanks for sharing this thought: "Our desire for our own perfection is so overrated." Perfectionism is definitely something I struggle with.
It sounds like you had a busy but great week. I think anyone who works with teens deserves a halo....it's a special gift, that's for sure. Have fun with all the family coming in for the graduation.
Can't wait to hear all about the trip. Glad you're home safe. Have a great Memorial weekend with family.
Lots of excitement around your place. How great that family can come and participate in celebrating your son's graduation. Have fun!!
It's always a delight to come here and see who God puts in your life and what God puts on your heart.
Blessings to you for motivating and spending time with those young folk.
Quotes reflect the real life!
Wow, 58 seniors! I don't think we've had more than 22 or so. I can't imagine the logistics. But coming home is the best part of any trip.
It's funny how many people have mentioned perfectionism the last few days. Evidently it's something a lot of us have to deal with! I like your thoughts here.
One really can learn a lot from students. We could all learn from their open minds. So ready to learn...what a great way to be.
It's so good to feel the blessings of life..Have a great weekend.
"Our desire for our own perfection is so overrated."
I know I am not perfect, and never will be - this side of heaven.
Still, I strive for it. And then I kick myself for even trying.
Overrated. Indeed!
So, so thankful for that amazing grace!
Your week sounds wonderful. Looking forward to reading the lessons learned...:).
Have a blessed time with your family this weekend and coming week!
I missed you while you were gone, but glad you had such a tremendous trip.
My word verification: foozoo!
I’ll look forward to hearing stories from your trip. It is nice to get home though. Enjoy your family that is coming!
Wow! I bet you need a vacation after that trip. Teens can be very fun and very exhausting! ;0)
I could so relate to your last thoughts about perfection and control. You know those are hot buttons with me! ;0) I am trying to let God completely free me from my unhealthy needs for those. He's doing good work.
Thanks for stopping by my blog this week! ;)
Bet you're counting the days until your book comes out! Yea! ;0)
Laura, what a neat time and the memories will linger for so long. I will be looking forward to your writing about these experiences. Your students are blessed to have you as their teacher and role model. Missed you.
A nice home, a good hubby, a great job and lots and lots of family around you. What more could one want?
Have a great weekend!
I like that last bit of wisdom, about the perfect prose, best. Thank you!
Oh I love the lesson you learned on your hike! So true. And aren't we just like that, getting so focused that we miss the beauty around us. Thanks for that reminder!
Sounds like you had a wonderful time on the class trip!
Wow~ You did have a busy week! What a brave woman you are to herd 58 seniors around!
Enjoy your family fun! And have a great Memorial Day weekend!
sounds like you had a good trip!
Thanks for sharing the quote from Jane Kirkpatrick. Something we all need to remember.
Hope your weekend is/was all you hoped for!
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