I’m just going to admit it.
In one of my recurring daydreams, the doctor says, “All you need is some rest. You cannot do anything for two weeks. Just take these vitamins and get plenty of sleep, and you’ll be just fine.”
Nothing serious. Nothing terminal. Just some unknown illness that requires a good two weeks of solid bedrest – with a stack of books by my bed.
Nothing like shingles. I’ve been there. I thought it was an older persons’ disease till the doctor told me I had it. It was horrendous. She did say I needed to get a good eight hours of sleep no matter what, and I needed to rest. I was teaching while holding down the home fort at the time. The oldest was in high school and I did have a great husband, so that made it easier. I do remember I felt so bad that I went to bed at 10 PM for six months after, just to make sure the shingles didn’t come back!
Have you ever craved rest that desperately? (Not that you wished for shingles, but maybe that unnamed two-weeks of bedrest illness…)
I have another confession. I have told my husband on a number of occasions that if no one can find me, I’ll be in Amish country.
Yes, Amish country. Where I’d be overjoyed to bake and cook and clean to my heart’s content – and be responsible for nothing else.
No matter what kind of mom you are, you’ve probably had similar thoughts. As a mom who teaches while she raises her boys, that whole Amish country thing sounds incredibly inviting.
I thought of that while working on a book review for you. Susan DiMickele is a new blog/author friend of mine, and while reading her book, Chasing Superwoman, I revisited those images of Amish country and bedrest. I remembered what motherhood was like when everything was at fever pitch – expectations at home and at school. (Often my own expectations…)
I’ll be posting the book review soon, but in the meantime, if you can’t find me…(Just kidding! It’s summer. Life is grand for this teacher mom.)
So, what about you? Have you had those daydreams?
Ever so incredibly tired and pushed and stressed that you wished yourself in Amish country or on a desert island?
Do tell.

Hungry for rest...that's how I've been feeling lately! Not just sleep, but for restful moments and days. In my dream, the doc tells me I need a few weeks rest. Then she hands me the key to her beach house and tells me to take the fam and have a great time...along with a live-in nanny and maid. Hey, if you're gonna dream, dream big! ;)
My sister in law had shingles from stress, but not bad enough to get the bed rest treatment. bummer! I dream of simpler times too.... me and my chickens. :O)
It's funny how I've sometimes wished to be able to just stay in bed as long as desired until I've had to be -- on bedrest with one pregnancy and recuperating from a spinal virus later on. Then I wanted nothing more than to be up and about "normal" activities. But I did learn then the value of getting enough sleep. In early adult years I thought it was noble to push through sleeplessness and illness, and sometimes as a mom you have to, but after the spinal virus, any minor illness like a cold would lay me flat. But then I discovered that the extra rest actually helped me get over the cold faster than when I had pushed through and kept going despite feeling horrible.
I've read enough about the Amish to know there lifestyle involves almost constant hard physical work, so, no, I've not been tempted to go off and join them. :-)
I can relate! When I was "just" homeschooling and taking care of the home, I could usually grab a couple of hours in the afternoon to myself. Now that I have a business, there is always something I should be doing...writing, marketing, etc. and I have trouble carving "me" time from that. I would love to just get away and do nothing for a while!
Definately having that feeling lately....19 weeks pregnant and have a 2 year old. I wake up in the morning and don't want to get out of bed. I feel like I could sleep all day. Now I've hurt my back, so my amazing husband is working from home to help me out.
Sleep is such a beautiful thing. I love my bed and wish I could enjoy it even more!
It's a good thing that God made us the way we are--needing that renewal and rest and quiet to grow and be healthy. God is certainly the best model to follow. Create and love--but make time to rest.
I didn't do it consciously, but in March I had a tonsillectomy. It as awesome to have that recovery time and extra care and help .. and rest .. from my family. This is a joke, but I was vaguely honest too ... I told my mom .... hmmm, what next elective surgery can I schedule to get a vacation like that?! Prior to that, I had my wisdom teeth taken out a year before and that was an awesome vacation as well ... sad, huh? But at least it was practical and nothing truly of a serious nature (illness like that). I am always nurturing everyone else. Sometimes it is nice to be the one nurtured!
oh wow...I had shingles when I was 39. I got one small spot on the side of my body but man, did that one spot HURT! thank GOd for the meds....i acquired it from being exposed to the chicken pox virus from my nephew's vaccine..he had broken out in the pox about 7 days after the shot....my baby had just been born (my 2nd one) and I remember the Lord giving me peace that the case of shingles would heal quickly. (it did, praise His Name!!). And yes...I have often wished I was Amish...but not for the reasons you state...I would just like the "simpler" life of no technology and a husband who worked more with his hands...they seem to have a healthier lifestyle and a greater work ethic....my girls would learn ALOT!!! lol....
My dad grew up on the edge of Amish country and only had the best things to say about the people there. It always made me a little jealous of the slower pace of life. Far too often I feel like you're describing!
I hope you get some much-needed rest during summer break, even if you can't sleep for two weeks!
Oh, yes, I have wished that! But you DO need to take a bit of time for yourself. (Hugs)
Well, i live smack in the middle of amish country, and we get stressed, too. Although, I'm not actually Amish... just have 'em for neighbors. :)
Oh my, I know what you mean! I am so tired right now, I can totally imagine going to bed for weeks. *sigh* Only in our dreams, right? Guess that's what we get when we're outnumbered ;o)
I actually told my kids I want to run away today.
It didn't help one had stuck a Lego piece far, FAR up her nose which sent us to the dr.
Ah...where is that Calgon commercial? ;)
Thanks for visiting my blog.
~ Wendy
Amish Country --- I might use that one!!! Honestly...I only dream of having a sorbet like home. With boys in the mix, as I'm sure you know, we do the best we can!! So excited to read your new book --- we'll have to have a virtual book party for you!!! Thanks so much for coming by today!!
Count me in! I'm desparately tired and need to get up at 5:30 am (to take boys to camp). So why am I on the Internet, you may ask? B/c supper is still all over the table and I'm too darn tired to deal with it!
I feel like that each and every week. I don't know about Amish country (although baking to my hearts content is appealing). Some place with sun, sand, beach and an umbrella drink is more my style.
ha! I can totally relate! I honestly have wished for a sick day ( I dared not actually pray for it, because well, I was afraid God was in the mood to teach me a lesson!)
But yes, craving rest- I don't think there is a mother in the world who hasn't!
Oh my gosh yes -- about 14 years ago I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I had to quit my job, move back in with my parents -- my entire life ground to a halt. The suffered through it for an entire year, and then slowly, slowly recovered. My immune system has never been the same. I wouldn't wish that kind of bed rest on anyone...but still, there are many days now when I wish I could stop everything for a day and read in bed.
And I'm with you on the Amish country -- I know I am probably idealizing and romantizing their existence, but boy it looks good from an outsider's perspective.
Looking forward to your review of Susan's book -- I love her!
I love those daydreams! Rest is so allusive and I crave it more than anything.
Laura, I am sure glad that you found my blog. And I am sure that I am the only blog you have read where I am trying to gain weight! lol I love your blog though! So much great information and encouragement for moms. Once again, glad you found me!!
Thanks, Laura! Kelly
Yup. I feel tired a lot. I would love to be able to rest in bed all day.
This fantasy calls to me...:)
Four boys?? Girl, you need some rest! Do you think the world will listen to my prescription? I'm glad you stopped in to see me. I'm blessed by my visit here!
I have been going to bed late and getting up early. *sigh*
Working my online job more to help pay to reshingle our roof. It is no fun and I am ready for a vaction... be it Amish country or desert isle!
I figured, it's not even the sleeping in, it's the "being off duty." I wouldn't even mind waking up early if I just got a morning off!
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