It's All About Family: Friday's Fave Five

June 4, 2010 Happy Friday!

It's time to revisit this week's blessings, and my week was full of them. If you'd like to join in, be sure to visit Susanne at Living to Tell the Story to get details.

Here are this week's favorites for me. It's all about family!

1. Graduation Week. That's what this week is at our house, and it's so much fun. I look around at Baccalaureate and see moms I stood outside the kindergarten door with, waiting for our kids to emerge. Most of us held another baby, pushed a stroller, or corralled our bigger boys until the kindergartner was set free. Seeing these moms who have been on the same journey as mine and knowing their heart is feeling the same things mine is right now is a special kinship. We're proud, excited and trying oh-so-hard to let go!

2. Family dinners. What a great time has been had around the dinner table this week as everyone has been home. Sure, we've had to have a late dinner and an early one to make everything happen, but it's been so worth it. The other night the boys started "Remember when..." and we all laughed till our full bellies hurt. It was great.

3. My mom. My mom made the long trip to Florida to see her grandson graduate, and we're so glad she's here. She is, too! It's always a little hard for her to decide to leave home and embark on such an adventure, but she just had to see this boy graduate. It' s been great having her here and in on everything.

4. My sweet hubby. He's been a blessing this week (as usual) because he has taken up the slack when I had to be at school. I'd come home and he was already there, getting things organized. We haven't had as much time together as usual this week and we've both missed it, but seeing him enjoy the boys so much is great fun, and so worth it.

5. The graduate. You always wonder how they'll turn out. The youngest of four boys has so much working on him. So much has been accomplished by his brothers that you hope he'll have room to find himself. We tried so hard to let each one "be his own boy" and it seems to have somehow worked out that way. (Grace...) We are so proud of our graduate -- the young man he is and will become. (Blinking away tears as I type.)

What more can I say? What a week!


Jerralea said...

I'm sharing a lot of the same feelings as you since we have a graduate this year too. Letting go is hard, isn't it?

But life is good in every stage. The next season of life will have its shares of struggles and joys.

And someday (hopefully a long someday) ... there'll be grandchildren!

Cathie said...

Wow, what a wonderful story of accomplishment and family love. Congratulations to your son, and your family as you have supported him and continue to in the future.

Anonymous said...

I love those Remember When stories and how you get different perspectives from them at different stages, and how one leads to another.

Congratulations to your graduate!

Melissa said...

Sounds like a wonderful week! I love the times when the whole family gets together! We don't have them as often as we'd like, but it makes them that much more special.

TXDidi said...

Oh my, it's always a bittersweet moment when the youngest reaches this milestone. It sounds like your young man has turned out fine and that you have much to be thankful for. Enjoy these times with your family.

Faith said...

What a special week you have had!
CONGRATS To your boy! enjoy the weekend!!

Karen said...

I am proud of you and the way you have raised each of your wonderful sons! Love and hugs to all your family.

Unknown said...

Congrats to your grad!!!!!! :)
I can so relate to you writing about the same parents you stood outside the kindergarten door are now standing with you at graduation. It is nice to journey together and watch our kids grow up. Glad you could enjoy those family dinner together!
Keep those tissues handy. :)

Melinda said...

Oh, what a great and special time at your house! I hope that in all the busyness, you're still able to sit back and savor all the memorable things going on. ;0) You're such a good mom, Laura. How nice and satisfying for you to see the fruits of your labor! (Literally! ;0)

Beth Zimmerman said...

What a wonderful week you have been blessed with! Congratulations to your graduate!

ham1299 said...

A blessed week indeed.

I have something for you:

Jennifer said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I love that you understand life with boys--I only have two + one girl. She's the one I don't know what to do with!! I especially enjoyed your post about the blueberries and the lady who fostered three. What an outpouring of love.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

this is a wonderful time in your life. It sounds like you know how to appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Nice of you to visit, Laura :-) And after such a great week full of fantastic highlights.

Joanne said...

Congratulations on your son's graduation! As parents, you must be so proud! Great blog!

Susanne said...

Congratulations to your graduate! And to you for getting him that far! :v) I know the feelings. We graduated our middle child last month. Sigh. It goes so fast. And the pride in him comes easy as the does the excitement. But the letting go? Now that is another story.

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