A Box, A Book, and Adventure: Friday's Fave Five

July 30, 2010
Happy Friday! It's time to look back at the blessings of the week. Thanks to Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for hosting this each week. Jump on over if you’d like to join in.

Here are my favorites from this week:

1. Friendships – two kinds. The first is new ones fostered by blogland. Just this week I’ve been blessed again by finding likeminded hearts. It’s great to be able to sit at a keyboard and help and be helped. And the other kind? My four writer buddies, the Kindred Heart Writers. I would never have received the box in #2 if I hadn’t had their help, love, support, and prayers.

2. This box. It came last Friday afternoon and it’s full of author copies of my book. To hold it in my hand? I can’t even tell you. After my son took pictures of the book and me with the book, I just sat at the kitchen table and cried – through a smile.

3. A movie date. My hubby and I went to a movie last Friday night…well, I guess it wasn’t a date really because we took a son along. But it was still a fun time together. We saw Inception which was really interesting. The trailer tells you nothing about what it’s really about, and I thought it was neat that a techno-thriller movie could be wound ‘round a heart story about loss and love.

4. A great book! I finished The Silent Governess by Julie Klassen, and I loved it! There’s this novel idea germinating in my little brain and it’s set in the same time period, this novel was both entertaining and valuable.

5. This quote from A.A. Milne’s Winnie the Pooh:

“Christopher Robin was sitting outside his door, putting on his Big Boots. As soon as he saw the Big Boots, Pooh knew that an Adventure was going to happen, and he brushed the honey off his nose with the back of his paw, and spruced himself up as well as he could, so as to look ready for anything.”

May I always see the Big Boots and spruce myself up, “so as to look ready for anything.” Love that spirit of adventure!

Hope there’s a great week ahead for you.


Melissa said...

What a wonderful list! It must be exciting to hold the book in your hands!

Friends are on my FFF list this week, too. :)

Corinne Cunningham said...

Congratulations :)
(I'm anxiously awaiting my copy!)

Diane said...

So exciting! All the emotions you went through with a simple brown box... :O)

alicia said...

Wow! The emotion of holding your very own book- so cool!Congrats!

LOVE that Winnie the Pooh quote!

Karyn said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I cannot imagine the intensity of emotion you must have felt, holding YOUR book in your hands! WOW. That must make your top five for the year.

Thanks for the quote, too....a reminder to have an attitude that is ready for anything.

Susanne said...

I love Winnie the Pooh. He's such a quotable character.

Congrats again on your book. It's such an accomplishment and to actually finally hold it in your hands must have been such a great moment.

My daughter has been trying to get us to go see Inception. She thought it was a great movie.

Jerralea said...

How exciting to hold your own book in your hands! I hope it sells out in every book store.

Love the quote - being ready for anything is a good quality.

Beth Mann said...

Author copies! WOOHOO! So excited for you!

I want to see Inception - hopefully we can get a babysitter sometime in the near future and have a date night ourselves! ;)

I also love Winnie the Pooh. My youngest's bedroom has pictures of WTP all over. He's three and ready for a big boy room, but I'm not ready to put it all away yet :(

TXDidi said...

How exciting to hold your book in your hands! Congratulations to you. I'll bet it is going to bless many families in the coming years.

Karen said...

Laura, I love your five this week. Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

I imagine the book will be a favorite of the whole year. What a thrill!

Rebecca Ramsey said...

Congratulations Laura! Finally getting to hold the book in your hand--it's one of the most thrilling parts of writing! Yey!

Unknown said...

This quote by C.S. Lewis seems appropriate for the release of you new book. "The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts." I hope it waters many deserts.


Faith said...

awesome list! and congrats on your book!! yay you! I hope my hubby does as well..he is currently in process of finishing a short story (science fiction)and hopes to get it published:)
I wrote about friends being a fave too this week!
Love Winnie the Pooh!!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

First of all..how exciting about your book! What is the title?
I love the Winnie the Pooh quote! If I could hang out with an imaginary character for a little while it would definitely be Pooh Bear.

Gattina said...

Congratulations ! what a wonderful satisfaction for yourself !

Anonymous said...

Now that's pretty exciting! A real live book in your own hands. Is it strange to open it and find the words you've ruminated over so long?

Anonymous said...

Finishing a good book is always fun! I'm reading Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austin...I'm loving it!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the publication of your book! How exciting! I wrote a review of "The Silent Governess" on my blog awhile back. It was a terrific book.

Carrie Anne Schmeck said...

Congrats, congrats, and congrats! Working on my own rewrite of a book proposal so I have an idea of just how much blood, sweat, and tears went into your book. What an accomplishment.

Johnnie Alexander said...

Also love your Fave Five this week. It's both humbling and gratifying to be acknowledged; I'm just truly grateful to be sharing your journey with you. Congrats again!

Muthering Heights said...

It must have been SO EXCITING to have your book in your hands!!! :)

Cathie said...

Congratulations on getting the copies of your book!! How exciting and worth celebrating!

Thanks for the Pooh quote - very encouraging to all to be ready for the next adventure. I'll send that one to my kids.

Have a good week.

P.S. Was it you or Susanne who told about a book about how to serve? Something about being church with your hands? or worshipping by working? My memory is terrible. Thanks if you can figure out what I'm talking about. :-)

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