Rest, Love, and Grace: Friday's Fave Five

July 23, 2010
Happy Friday!

Time to look back at the blessings of the week. Thanks to Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for hosting each week and encouraging us to look for the blessings. Be sure to visit Susanne if you’d like to join in. Here are my favorites for this week.

1. Post vacation relaxation. I don't know why, but we're still feeling it -- that sense of relaxation that comes with vacation. I'm so thankful for it. Often you return and immediately feel harried and pressured, but not so this year. Wonder if we learned something? Hmm...

2. My boys. Of course, I'm always thankful for them, but (like me) they all seem pretty excited about this book coming out. Two of them helped me with my Facebook page, one called to tell me his friend is going to write a review on Amazon, and another has promoted my blog and book on his own blog. One told me, "I feel like our roles are reversed. I keep saying, 'I'm so proud of my mom!'"

3. Support and friendship. From encouraging comments to emails and calls, I'm just getting so much support regarding the book. It's like Christmas with the love!

4. These words from Psalm 16. This is so beautifully put, and it echoes my heart.

I said to the Lord, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing." As for the saints who are in the land [this is many of you], they are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight...Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance...I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

5. Some words about grace. I don't often read books more than once, but What's So Amazing About Grace by Philip Yancey is an exception. I'm sure that's because I need to be reminded of what a treasure -- and responsibility -- grace is. Yancey reminds us that "There is nothing we can do to make God love us more, and there is nothing we can do to make God love us less." But, often, with scales of justice in one hand and a gavel in another, we don't live like that. We don't impart grace; we don't, unfortunately, share it with others. Yancey uses a quote to remind us:

"I know nothing, except what everyone knows -- if there when Grace dances, I should dance." (W.H. Auden)

Grace dances every day in my life; may I not only dance with it, but may I pass it along those I see at the ball.

Hope you've had a great week. Enjoy the weekend.


Melissa said...

Thank you for these wonderful reminders! Just yesterday I was thinking about part of the passage you quoted from Psalm 16.

Heidi @ Decor & More said...

I really needed that timely word about Grace, Laura. Thank you! Bon weekend! :)

Janna Leadbetter said...

Great list! #2 gets me where it counts.

Have a wonderful weekend, Laura!

Joanne said...

That is so exciting about your book...I will be sure to promote the purchase at our library and also try to get ahold of it myself! Great title! I think you would love books by Dorcas Smucker:
I love your thoughts on grace and the the verses you shared!
Pslam 16 is one of my favourite!(boundary lines of my life have fallen in pleasant places)
Great post!

Lisa notes... said...

Post vacation relaxation—that’s nice! Too often people come back more tired than before. How did you do it? How sweet that your boys are proud of their mama. That shows you’re doing a good job! Psalm 16 is one of my favorites. And Philip Yancey’s writings, too. He’s so honest. Hope you enjoy your weekend!

Cindy said...

Sometimes we jam so much into a vacation we have to take a holiday from it.

Glad to hear the boys are excited about the book.
Thank you for sharing the verse.

Jerralea said...

I love the phrase "grace dances in my life everyday." I want to remember that.

It seems to me that one of the greatest things we can have in this life is to know that our children are proud of us!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're still feeling relaxed!

That's so neat that the boys ate helping you with your book promotion and so proud of you.

Susanne said...

What great support from your boys!

I have had that Phillip Yancey book on my reading list for awhile. I really need to get it!

Willow said...

Congratulations on your book! So exciting! I love the 'role reversal' comment :)
Have a great weekend!

Willow said...

Hey Laura,
I was looking for a way to friend you and facebook so I could send you a message. Or maybe email you. But I can't find an address. Mine is willowknitsatyahoodotcom.
Thanks, Willow

Amanda Moore said...

You're very lucky to have "post vacation relaxation" pass some my way please! I went on to facebook and added you new page to my list of likes, your book looks interesting good luck!

Mary said...

Is it bad that I still have post-vacation relaxation after a month? :D

momma24 said...

What an amazing list! What a blessing to still be feeling the relaxation from vacation. How exciting about your book, I will be looking for it. Even though I only have girls, I will read it anyway! lol

Ingrid said...

I wish you good luck with your book !
BTW all countries in the world have their "National Day" on different dates, like you have your 4th of July, lol !

Melinda said...

I'm proud of you, too! So, so awesome! God is able to do so much with our lives when we let Him! I'd love to promote your book on my blog and my facebook page when it comes out! Would you be interested in doing a Q&A type interview?

Please pray for me as I head for She Speaks next week!

Glad to see your FB page is up. I'll "like" you! (Well, I already do, but you know...) ;0)

Laura said...

Some great blessings listed here, Laura! Keep counting...

Alexandra said...

I always enjoy and feel blessed to hear of someone's gratitude. The Lord loves a joyful's true, what we think, we feel.

Thank you for this, always lovely to see.

Faith said...

Loved reading your faves. "What's So Amazing about Grace" is my fave Yancey book thus far (I've read 4). Unfortunately we loaned our copy to a fellow church member and never got it back....but...i just LOVED that book and remember copying some great quotes from it. Saw your comment about my post. That's neat that you've been on the Minnie Ha Ha!!! small world.....

Angela said...

a little late...but i love reading about your boys now that they are older and thinking about the different levels of enjoyment i will have with my boys as they age...
and congrats on the book! awesome!

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