Chapter 9 of I’m Outnumbered, A Band of Brothers, has to do with the brother bond. With competition, sibling rivalry, and the tensions that can crop up as you raise a bunch of boys, keeping sight of that bond is an important thing. As the boys change and grow and leave the nest, family dynamics change. And Mom won’t always be there to be the glue.
As the boys leave the nest, the ties that join them stretch and sometimes they snap. The way they relate to one another can change – for better and for worse. This chapter includes hints on how to help the boys deal with that change. As young men, they need to work problems out themselves, but sometimes they need a little coaching to get started. Hopefully, if they attack problems and iron them out early, the brother bond will stay strong and solid. (I have been known to tell mine, “I do not want there to be a Christmas someday where one brother doesn’t show up because of some silly argument!”)
And as they grow, their needs will change. How they relate to one another changes, but how they relate to Mom and Dad will change, too. It’s important to realize that different doesn’t always mean bad. Anticipating those changes can help a mom adjust to them. With the information in this chapter, my hope is that you can support them through the changes in their lives and help them remain brothers of the heart.
Tomorrow is August 31st – the official launch day for I’m Outnumbered. Be sure to visit tomorrow to hear about the last chapter, A Word from the Boys. Check back and hear what the boys said when I gave them a chance to speak!

Time for the official launch, wow! Congrats, Laura, I know you've worked hard for this.
Woohoo! I'll be back for launch day.
And I've ordered the book. Can't wait for its arrival!
Congrats on your launch!! I'm so excited for you, Laura! Got your email ... I'll be sending you questions this week for you to answer so I can feature you on my blog! Would you be willing to do a book giveaway to go along w/it?
Laura, and your boys are bonded and sealed. You did a wonderful job!
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