Punkins and Promise: Friday's Fave Five

Friday October 29, 2010 Happy Friday!

It’s time to recount the blessings of the week. Thanks to Susanne of Living to Tell the Story for hosting Friday’s Fave Five each week. Hope you’ve had a great fall week.

Here are my favorite from the last seven days.

1. Teenagers – they crack me up! Teens can really be a lot of fun, and I do love teaching them. Each year, I write a play that parodies the past year and celebrates Christmas for our school-wide Madrigal Dinner. It’s a great time, complete with jesters and a royal court. We started practicing this week, and the kids just crack me up. The jesters are exhaustingly hilarious. Rehearsals are such fun!

2. Sleep. Our bed has felt good to me this week. I think the cooler weather makes me burrow down a little more and pull the covers up just a little. I have friends who have trouble sleeping, and I can’t imagine. A little reading, and I’m sleepy enough to drift off. I don’t get enough, I’m sure, but sleep is good.

3. My own personal PR man. My husband has been so helpful through this whole book process, even sometimes prodding me. My publisher has sent out a number of copies, but there are people that I know personally that live elsewhere that I’ve wanted to send a copy to. He’ll say, “Let’s get two of those books packed up tonight, okay Hon?” I sign them, write a note to accompany them, and he does the addresses, packs them up, and even goes to the post office for me. A little thing, but it shows so much support, in my mind.

4. This punkin! Need I say more?

5. A mom quote.

“Children should be taught not the little virtues but the great ones. Not thrift but generosity and an indifference to money; not caution but courage and a contempt for danger; not a desire for success but a desire to be and to know.” - Natalia Ginzburg, Italian author

Love that thought – that we should raise our kids with a sense of the great virtues.

That they would leave our homes with generosity and indifference to money, with courage and a contempt for danger, and with a desire to be and to know. Not just to exist, to make it through each day, but to be, and to know. Ever, always, to strive to know.

With the great virtues, they’ll be adventurers, learners, and sharers. What promise!

Have a happy fall week ahead!


Jean Wise said...

love the pumpkin!!! And the quote is wonderful too. I enjoy this weekly post you write, Laura. Thanks for sharing.

Melissa said...

Having a supportive husband is a blessing, for sure! And the baby is adorable!

I can relate to the comfort of our beds when the weather gets cooler. My husband and I look forward to the days when it's cool enough to snuggle under the comforter (instead of just a sheet).

Anonymous said...

The baby! awwwwwww.... Will you kindly send your teenagers over to my part of the world? :) They will surely cheer up some of my colleagues who for some reason were so tense and serious today. Happy Friday, Laura.


Anonymous said...

That play sounds like so much fun! My teens have sure kept the house lively around here through the years.

I do like the temperatures a little cooler when I am sleeping.

What a wonderful husband to be so supportive in such practical ways!

That definitely is the cutest little punkin I've seen. :-)

Anonymous said...

I agree about the teenagers! :) Love their humor and zeal for life. And I have SO felt the same as you about my bed this week!
Hubs is a true find! :)

Carrie said...

=D Sounds like an awesome husband you have there!

Love the pumpkin picture. =)

And a good bed is definitely something worth making this list!!

Happy FFF!


Supportive husband's are THE.BEST!!!

What a cute little pumpkin. :)

LOVE the quote about raising kids with great virtues.

alicia said...

Great list, and I love that little pumpkin! What a cutie!

coffeewoman said...

Love the proof reader one. My fIL writes a newsletter so his wife ends up proof reading it for him!

TXDidi said...

What a cute little pumpkin from the patch. And feel just like you about the burrowing under the covers when it's chilly. Can't be beat - especially after you get drowsy while reading a book in bed.

Faith said...

Sleep....YES! I love it...especially under the warm fleece covers...
and your grandson is just a precious little punkin'! :)
LOVE the quote and so true what you say about teaching the virtues....love it! HAPPY WEEKEND

Jerralea said...

Great quote and cute punkin!

I wrote about enjoying my bed this week, too!

Kristen said...

Yeah, that punkin' is adorable if I do say so myself!! ;-)

Victoria said...

I just love the quote! As usual, you got something up here for me to think about. I also love the baby picture! He's a cutie!

Karyn said...

Teenagers can be some of the most fun people around! You are blessed to be able to spend so much time with them.

Your little punkin is adorable!

Karen said...

Laura, your pumkin is a doll! I know the kids love your madrigal, as you write so well and funny, too. Would love to come see it sometime.

ellen b. said...

Ha! You're the 2nd person who talked about their bed this week. I really love sinking into mine, too. It's good to appreciate all those around you. Your teens, your PR hubby, and your new little grandbaby. Good times!

Susanne said...

That has got to be the most adorable little pumpkin!

My bed probably could have made my list this week too. I've been finding it mighty hard to get up in the dark again.

Yay for a supportive hubby!

Amy Sullivan said...

My favorite (besides the pumpkin!) was your personal PR man. Good for him! I love that he is sending off books for you.

Lisa notes... said...

Yes, teens can be a lot of fun. I’m glad you love teaching them. Wish everyone felt the same. I’ve been noticing I’ve slept better the past couple of nights, too. May very well be the cooler temps. What a blessing that your husband is a great PR man. Aw, love the punkin!

Laura said...

What great thoughts here, Laura! I"m still in awe of #1. You write a parody of the previous year? And they act it out? Wow! What a great way to celebrate the passing of time. I wish I could see one of those performances!

Ingrid said...

That's nice that you have a PR man, lol !

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