A Week of Precious Pictures: Friday's Fave Five

Friday October 1, 2010

Happy Friday!

Thanks to Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for giving us the opportunity to share our favorites of the week. If you’d like to join in, just visit Susanne and get the details.

And what a week it was! I got to hold my oldest son’s son for the first time. There was a general FFF outcry for pictures last week, so today you’ll see some.

1. A late night meeting. Our flight didn’t get in until about 10:45 PM, but I had to see Aiden as soon as we landed. He was sleepy, but you can see my joy!

2. Time with Grandad. He and his granddad took a nap together, and I couldn’t resist snapping a picture. (This is as much of my husband as you’ll ever see…) They were fast friends.

3. Grandmom bliss. Oh, to hold a sleeping baby!

4. Aiden and his great-grandmother. My mom just ate this up. The old soul in little Aiden listened while his great-grandmother talked to him.

5. Parting words from Grandmom. Can’t you see he’s listening closely?

It was great. I only wish we could have stayed longer. And, oh – I just have to add a couple of extra blessings.

We stayed with my college roommate and her family, and that was wonderful. They’re such loving, generous people to open their home like they did. Even when we see each other only once a year, it's always like it was yesterday.

The threat of tropical storm rains caused a school cancellation two days after we returned. Thankfully, it was an empty threat and I got a day to catch my breath and catch up on sleep and grading.

Melinda of Coming Clean: Confessions of an Imperfect Parent ran a Q&A with me and is doing a giveaway for my book. I so appreciate all the support!

My son is posting "100 Days of Aiden" here. Yes, Aiden has a mom and dad even though there are no pictures of them above -- and they're wonderful. Go visit, if you'd like!

Okay, I’m done – for now. I can’t tell you how joyous the week was! Thanks for sharing it with me.

Happy week ahead to you.


Corinne Cunningham said...

So wonderful :)
I clicked over to the photos - what a beautiful family!!!

Melissa said...

These are all lovely photos of special moments! I especially like the one of your mom holding Aiden. He's a cutie, too. You must be a very happy Grandmom!

Rose said...

What cute pictures. What a cute baby boy. There is something so precious about holding a sleeping baby.

Lisa notes... said...

Aw, I’m so glad you have pictures of your grandson. He is beautiful! And you are too. I can feel the bliss just from seeing your face.

alicia said...

So precious!! Love the one of grandpa and grandson sleeping- those are always my favorite shots. Grandma is radiating pure joy there too, love it!

Anonymous said...

Well! I guess I haven't visited you enough to know you had a grand child on the way! Many congratulations. You must be over the moon with that darling little one.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Laura, I can only imagine! What joy! Those photos are so sweet. I am glad you got an unexpected day off to catch up. too.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful pics! Boy he is a sweety, and I love the pic of him with your mom. Love pics like that, they are such a reflection of family!
Enjoy that grandbaby!! Such a precious gift!

Cindy said...

Aaaaawwwwww! so cute. I'm so glad you got to spend time with your grandson. He is so cute with his great grandma. Sleeping with grandpa so sweet. You are having a great week. I hope it runs into the weekend for you.

TXDidi said...

Congratulations on that wonderful new grandson. I can so relate to your joy. Have you started a journal to him yet? It's so much fun to fill up a journal with memories of your grandchild's parents, your dreams for the new little one, your own life growing up, etc. Put in lots of pictures and you've got something they'll treasure when they are older.

Jean Wise said...

Just love these!! congrats Granny!

Marg said...

What a wonderful fantastic week for you getting to hold that little one.
It's always fun to visit here.

Karen said...

Those pictures tear at my heart strings. Lovely, lovely, dear friend. Nothing more precious. I know it was hard leaving. But am glad your back safely.

Willow said...

I can't decide which photo is my favorite! They're all so precious. Being a grandma is the BEST!

I'm glad you had that extra day to rest. After my long long trip last weekend, I would have 'welcomed' a storm :)

Susannah said...

Marvellous photos, Grandma!!! Congratulations. Our daughter is "expecting to be expecting" anytime in the next two years. Can't wait.

Wonderful to see great Grandma too!

Happy FFF.

Blessings, e-Mom ღ

Gattina said...

How wonderful ! another two months and I will be in the same situation as you ! My first grandson is expected on November 24 !

Jerralea said...

Very sweet photos! I love the one of grandpa and sleeping baby. (Why is that as much of your husband as we'll ever see? Is he camera-shy?)

I know this is such a happy time for you all! God bless you all.

Karyn said...

Thank you, Laura, for the photos of your precious one. He is beautiful! Being a grandparent is a wonderful feeling, isn't it? And it just gets better.....

ellen b. said...

So glad you got to love on that new baby. What a wonderful blessing!!

Susanne said...

He is so precious. I could just reach through the computer and tweak that cute little chin! :v)

Johnnie Alexander said...

Aw, Laura*

Faith said...

what an absolutely precious grandbaby you are holding and I adore the pic of your hubby with his sleeping grandson! thanks for sharing...a GREAT FFF list!

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