It’s quiet, and I’m quietly surprised.
Sure, I miss them. My heart twisted in my throat as I watched them wheel their suitcases to the car early this morning.
And it’s so quiet here this evening. My husband is working tonight, so it’s just me and my sweet old dog.
I’m quietly surprised because I’m okay. Yes, I have plenty to do, but even with tasks, the silence can be uncomfortable.
But it’s not.
In the past week I’ve gotten more than I anticipated in some ways and less in others. But contentment is cutting through the ebb and flow of life. I’m at ease with the flow that carries me away sometimes but I still enjoy the resting, coasting in the ebb, drifting along, taking in so much about life.
And I do know why. It’s because of my anchor. The One who will not let me go, regardless of the ebb and flow.
I feel the tug and look to His heart and I can just ease right in, whether the water is swirling or meandering.
At least today I can. There are those days when the world swirls furiously around me and I lose that sense of peace. But all I have to do is let the anchor tug on my heart and draw near.

Are you experiencing the ebb and flow, too? Are you at ease with it? What helps you get there?

I would have to admit contentment is sometimes elusive, but I've gotten better with age... and Him. :) Have a blessed day!
Yes -- I just sent my oldest in a plane to his new home after a lovely Thanksgiving visit, and though there were teary moments, the same anchor keeps me moored.
And even though I love the break in routine, I am glad to get back to it after the break.
I feel like I'm in a season of learning what it means to be content. Not everything has to be just so. The house doesn't need to be completely cozy. The kids don't need to be on their best behavior. It's more like standing in the middle of the whirlwind and knowing...God.
I don't know if I'm in ebb or flow...and can't remember the last time the waters furiously rolled about me...am I too anchored?
I seem to be in a good place right now and I am at peace. I am so thankful to Him who calms every storm. :O)
So peaceful, just reading this. Thank you :)
More and more I've come to love the silences.
I love this post, Laura -- it's so peaceful and serene. I love, love silence. But I know what you mean, depending on the circumstances and state of mind, they can be unnerving.
Loved you post below about the roast...glad your vegetarian sort-of Thanksgiving worked out well!
You sound like you have the "peace that passes all understanding." And only He can give it!
So glad you got some time to be with your boys!
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