Happy Friday!
Thanks to Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for hosting Friday’s Fave Five. It’s a great opportunity to share our favorites of the week. If you’d like to join in, just visit Susanne and get the details.
Here are the blessings of this past week for me:
1. A whole holiday week. In the past, we’ve had school on Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week, but this year, we have the whole week off. It’s been great. My carpets are clean, and we had time to get ready for the holiday. It was nice.
2. A Thanksgiving guest. One of my sons had a friend who couldn't get home for Thanksgiving, so he’s visiting us. “What’s one more boy?” I said. I like to think some mom somewhere would do the same for my boy if he couldn’t get home.
3. A month of gratitude. If you’ve visited here, you know that gratitude has been my theme this month. It’s amazing what that constant attention to an attitude of gratitude has done for me.
4. Thanksgiving food. There are things I only cook at Thanksgiving time, and they’re such a treat. And what’s more, another season is on its way that lends itself to all kinds of cookies I only bake in December. Such fun!
5. A quote to end the month – and ease us into the next season – by William Faulkner.
Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all. (William Faulkner)
We’ve all encountered gratitude at some level this month. If you haven’t discharged it, the coming season is a perfect time. Remember the Purkiser quote I used a couple of weeks ago? "Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving."
So often, when I set out to write, I think I’m going to communicate a message; instead, I learn through the process! My wanderings through thankfulness this month have taught me that gratitude is about so much more than just saying, “Thank you.” You can click here to read my musings on that, if you’d like.
How can you carry gratitude into December? Yesterday’s post may give you a few ideas. I’d love for you to share yours, too.
I know some of my Canadian friends have already celebrated Thanksgiving, but I hope you’re still carrying your thankfulness around with you.
Happy Thanksgiving to all – I’m thankful for you.

Having the whole week off is nice! Good for you. I think I’m going to break down and rent a carpet cleaner. I should have asked for that for my birthday. Ha. Hope your Thanksgiving meal turned out wonderful with your extra guest!
I'm thinking about making a thankful tree for our thanksgiving meal this Sunday.
Love it, Laura! The attitude of gratitude should be a daily practice...thanks for that reminder! And enjoy the rest of your holiday week. :)
How great to have the whole week off! My son's school may as well have had it all off, with as much work as they got done, LOL!
LOVE Thanksgiving foods. How neat that you got to share with someone who couldn't get home.
I've noticed several schools were closed this week as I drove to work -- what a great idea for a whole holiday week :-)
the whole week off is truly a nice blessing! great FFF list and Happy (belated) Thanksgiving, Laura!
I worked on Monday but had the rest of the week off which has been wonderful!
I'm looking forward to carrying my gratitude in to the New Year!
Happy Thanksgiving!
A whole week off would be wonderful!
Love your attitude of "What's one more boy". I'm sure said boy appreciated being around a family and lots of food at Thanksgiving time!
I love it -- what's one more boy!
Happy Thanksgiving Laura. Have been thinking about you. Any chance I can get you to join Twitter with me?
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