Words, Work, and Health: Friday's Fave Five

Friday November 5, 2010 Happy Friday!

Thanks to Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for giving us the opportunity to share our favorites of the week. If you’d like to join in, just visit Susanne and get the details.

Here are the blessings of this past week for me:

1. A good mystery. In my class, we’re reading Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I love that dry British wit, the turn of a good word, and the fascination of a mystery. And I love that my kids like it – I have BOYS reading ahead! How awesome is that.

2. A hard-working college freshman. My freshman son is doing so well in college. He’s happy, making friends, working hard in his classes. What more can a mom ask?

3. An uneventful doctor appointment. I’m a redhead who has to be careful of the sun. Every once in a while, I find a strange spot that worries me and I visited the dermatologist this week about one. It was nothing, and I’m very thankful.

4. A job opportunity for my oldest. It seems like a great prospect and he’s in the final running. This weekend will be telling, so I’m praying hard for him – and I’m so proud!

5. A quote about gratitude. Ever since I decided to blog about gratitude this month, it has really been on my heart. I find myself sitting at a stoplight, thinking about what I’m thankful for! It’s a great habit to develop, I’ve decided. I came across this quote this week:

Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving. ~W.T. Purkiser

This really made me think. Am I using my blessings? Do those thankful thoughts turn into action? What about you?

I’m giving away a copy of my book. If you’d like to enter, see this post, subscribe to my newsletter, and leave a comment on the original post. The giveaway closes at midnight on Monday, November 8th.

Happy Friday – have a thankful week!


Heidi @ Decor & More said...

What a wonderful feeling when thing are going well for your children (even the big ones!). I love the quote about gratitude... it really makes you stop and think. Enjoy your weekend!

Melissa said...

You've had a week full of good news! Aren't those the best? :)

Jean Wise said...

wow that quote kinda hits you doesn't it? something to think about. Love all your wonderful blessings listed here. taking time to appreciate all we have so important.

Diane said...

Wonderful list. Thankful for God's leading and direction for me. :O)

Kari said...

Oh I loved the Hound of the Baskerville's when I read it.
What a great list - that's so wonderful about your children. I'm blessed to read your Five. God is so great.
I love the quote - what a challenge that is.
Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have ever read Doyle. I need to!

Glad your freshman son is doing so well and your oldest has a good job prospect. And also that the doctor's appointment went well. I am fair, too, with a history of skin cancer on my father's side, so I am suspicious of various spots as well.

Jerralea said...

It sounds like a good week for you.

Anytime you can get boys to read, it's amazing. I'm very passionate about reading - it helps you in every area of your life.

Glad your children are doing well - just what every mom hopes for.

Anonymous said...

That is great that you freshman son is doing so well. That is such a big step to have him away at school!
Glad your dr. appointment went well. :) That is always a relief.
Great quote by the way. :)

Lisa notes... said...

I’ve never read Hound of the Baskervilles, but have certainly heard about it. I need to add it to my list.

How nice that your son is doing well in college. That first year can be tough. You are smart to go to the dermatologist for suspicious things.

I love the quote. I’ll have to pass it along in my little twitter world. :-) Hope you have a great weekend.

Faith said...

Awesome quote...and so glad your freshman son is doing so well!! Glad your derm appt went well...i too get those spots once in awhile...i was told last time it was an "old age spot" good grief!!!

Karen said...

Laura, I'm praying also for your son's weekend. So glad nothing was wrong at the docs.

There ya go-those are some of my thankful things. :)

Anonymous said...

"how we use them (blessings)" That got me thinking... Thanks for sharing the quote. Glad the spot is nothing. Your sons are doing great - what a joy to read. Happy weekend.


Willow said...

I read "Hound" years ago, and I should go back and read it again.

Here's hoping your boy is blessed with that job!

Loved the quote--yes, it's a deeper thought than one might think at first.

Alexandra said...

How wonderful to see "gratitude" here.

It is important, and I work hard to instill this value of "attitude of gratitude" in our 3 boys.

Life is better that way.

We cannot take what God has for us, and complain. We can't.

Lovely post here, and I'm especially glad about your skin check up.

Ingrid said...

Redheads are very much in fashion ! so be happy !

Susannah said...

Counting our blessings never goes out of style! I admire your focus on gratitude during the month of November.

Happy FFF!

e-Mom @ Chrysalis

Susanne said...

That waiting on hearing from a job is so hard. Here's hoping for your son!

Glad to hear all was well at the dermatologist's!

Anonymous said...

Kind of like Friday's Five Faves every day this month! What a fun idea. Glad your check up went well. And hope that your son gets good news on the job front!

Sarah said...

Hooray for good news from the dermatologist! This month is the 10-year anniversary of my malignant melanoma diagnosis. Luckily, we caught it fairly early and surgery was all that was needed, but I never forget how close I came. Sounds like you had a very blessed week!

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Wow, I really like that quote about blessings. Good stuff.

Glad you had a good doctor visit. I had a similar situation about a year ago...fair skin, strange spot, thankfully it was nothing.

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