December Hope: Friday's Fave Five

Friday December 3, 2010

Happy Friday!

Thanks to Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for hosting Friday’s Fave Five. It’s a great opportunity to share our favorites of the week. If you’d like to join in, just visit Susanne and get the details.

Here are the blessings of this past week for me:

1. A full(er) house. Having two of the boys home, of course, was a huge favorite! They texted when they got back to school and they’re doing fine. My house is quiet and I’m anticipating the Christmas holiday, when it looks as if we may have all of them together (including little grandson Aiden).

2. Aiden’s first snow. I got an email Wednesday with this picture. When my son and his wife realized it was snowing, they got the boy bundled up and took him outside to take his first snow pic. (He looks like he's just tasted a snowflake!)

3. A big night ahead. Each year, our school presents a Madrigal Dinner – a medieval feast complete with candles, carols, jesters, great food, and a parody of current events set in Merry Olde England, all told in rhyme. I write the script each year and direct the drama (which is really more of a comedy). It’s a feast for the senses and never fails to get me in the mood of the season. The kids are wonderful, and they love doing it, so it’s a joy to direct them. It’s crazy days right now at our house (Prop Central), but next week for two evenings, we’ll be transported back to Merry Olde England, and it’ll all be worth it. Even I get to dress in Medieval / Renaissance costume. It’s great fun!

4. Advent thoughts. Wednesday I wrote about hope in Keeping the Candle Burning. I love having something to center my thoughts on each week. Next week will be the second candle of the advent wreath, which represents Love. I’m loving keeping my thoughts away from the plastic and focused on love incarnate.

5. This wonderful quote that, to me, has Christmas written all over it.

“All happenings, great and small, are parables by which God speaks. The art of life is to get the message.” (Malcolm Muggeridge)

In the waiting, in the anticipation and the hope, in the great and small of life, there are parables. I want to indulge in the art of life. I want to get the message.

Happy Friday to you. Joyous December!


Marg said...

What a delight to come here and visit. I love your Advent thoughts and read your Wednesday's post. It was very meaningful as you can see we think alike.
I've got your book..I love it.

Hazel said...

The Madrigal Dinner sounds wonderful. Little Aiden is such a cutie. I love the quote.

Carrie Anne Schmeck said...

The Mad Dinner brings back such memories. My oldest was a Madrigal singer at her high school and participated each December for two weeks straight. You must be a master to write those scripts. They are a wonder of wit and subtlety! I had the good fortune to get to design and sew a few of the fancy period costumes. Mmm, velvet, organza, gold trims...heavenly. I KNOW how time consuming, but satisfying, the whole thing can be. Enjoy it!

Jerralea said...

Our school did a Madrigal for a couple of years. It was great - and my daughters so loved participating in it.

Aiden doesn't really look like a newborn in that picture!

I love your quote - you always pick such thought-provoking ones!

Carrie said...

Your grandson is adorable! Love that photo! I do hope you get to have everyone together for Christmas!

Happy FFF!

Karyn said...

The play sounds like a wonderful tradition. You are so talented. I wish I could come see it!

Little Aiden has grown so much! Bet you can hardly wait for him to come to your house for Christmas!

Melissa said...

The Madrigal Dinner sounds like fun! My son would love to be part of something like that.

Your grandson is growing so fast! Great picture!

Sarah said...

What a sweet picture! Can't wait to read about how your Madrigal Dinner turns out. How fun!

Willow said...

Great quote! I want to get the message too!

I attended one Madrigal Dinner (my son's university) and loved it! I wish there were one around here I could attend. Hmmmm, I wonder if I can download some of the music... Have fun this weekend!

Anonymous said...

I had all mine home for Thanksgiving -- such a treasure!

Wow, you're grandson has grown so much in what seems like such a short time!

That Madrigal Dinner sounds marvelous -- what fun!

Heidi @ Decor & More said...

Your blog is such nourishment for me! Can't believe I'm just now reading today's post (it's been nutty) but am so glad I stopped by. Thanks for the refreshment! :)

Faith said...

Oh the Madrigal Dinner sounds awesome!! How creative and fun!!
And once again you have a really good quote!
I hope you have a blessed weekend....

Rachel Cotterill said...

The madrigal dinner sounds fabulous, I love that kind of thing :)

Karen said...

Laura, I wish I could see your Madrigal. What you didn't tell them was that you write a new one every year!!!

That little one is so daaarling!

Julie Gillies said...

Oh my goodness, Aiden is a little doll! He DOES look like he just tasted his first snowflake!

I know the holidays are such a busy time for you, Laura, and I'm with Karen--I'd LOVE to see any of the Madrigal's you've written.

Indulging in the art of life with you,


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