Our culture is driven by “bigger and better.” We even see it at Christmas time. Who has the biggest Christmas light display? The most presents under the tree? The most lavishly decorated home?
But in the beautiful paradox of Christmas, we see the significance of the small, the impossible.
A child born to a young, ordinary couple is placed in a feed trough of hay – accompanied by blinding lights and a majestic angel choir.
The little family is visited in a barn – by men of knowledge and importance who traveled far, bearing riches.
The babe looks like any ordinary child – but is heralded as a king.
This inauspicious entry into our world – amidst the lowing of cattle in a stable bare – yields the Hope of the world.
“Bigger and better” is the cry of our culture, but the Christmas season, with its impossible smallness, reduces that cry to a whisper. Instead, it ushers in hope that shouts that our lives have meaning and possibility beyond the drudgery of today.
Mom, you may sigh as you change yet another diaper today, as you pick up what seems like the millionth toy, as you settle the fourteenth dispute of the hour. But let the season remind you of the beauty of the impossibly small.
He does some of His best work with small things and seemingly impossible situations.
Do you need encouragement today, Mom? Rejoice in the small. Let your hope stand against those impossibilities.

Beautiful. So true and timely. Thanks for this reminder, Laura.
So very true. My daughter's "word a day" at school this week is "humble" Her sentence is that Jesus, our savior, was born in a humble manger. He does great things with the small... thanks for this today.
I love that expression...rejoice in the small. Have a peaceful day tomorrow! Susan
Amen, Laura! well said! blessings in Christ..Trish
So True we do like in a world of bigger ....when smaller has he most meaning ! thanks for sharing
Just plain fantastic and a perfect simple pleasure.
This part was my favorite:
" 'Bigger and better' is the cry of our culture, but the Christmas season, with its impossible smallness, reduces that cry to a whisper. Instead, it ushers in hope that shouts that our lives have meaning and possibility beyond the drudgery of today."
I'm beyond the diaper stage, but I can say with complete sincerity that that type of small stuff/drudgery was a high point in my life.
I loved your post. I just noticed that your name is Laura. That's a favorite name of mine!
Laura, welcome to Simple Pleasures. Your post reminded me of the Scripture that says "Do not despise the day of small things." I'm afraid we've gotten so far from the importance of small things, but this is the season for reflection and adjusting how we think. Thanks for this beautiful reminder. Hope to see you often.
Laura, I loved that! Thank you.
Great post and very timely...
Thanks for these simple yet profound reminders. Needed them tonight.
I love this, Laura. He was born small. This reminds me of a post I saw over at Chatting at the Sky a week or so ago -- it was called "Art Starts Small." You two are on the same page!
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