No one ever told me it would be this hard to watch.
I flash back to years ago, when I watched a toddler try his legs, wobbling all the way. He leans, he tips, and...I run with an outstretched arm, longing to catch him and spare him any pain.
But he falls. And my heart hurts for him.
I shake my head, bringing me back to the present. Seated here in the Spectator Mom section of the dating game, I watch those steps again. I resist crying, "Don't break my boy's heart!"
He's wise for his years; he makes good choices. But fall we all must, and no one can really absorb that shock for us.
But the good thing about falling -- whether in your first attempts to walk or to date or just in living life -- the good thing is, we learn from the falls.
As a mother, I don't want to see my boys hurt; I want to spare them the pain. But it's part of love, you know? And it's part of life. The bottom line is that Someone greater than me -- Someone who loves with an infinite love -- is there to soften all the blows of life.
No one ever told me it would be this hard to watch, though.
Do I wish I'd known? Probably best that I didn't. The less I know, the more I have to rely on that Someone greater.
So, I sit back, with a heart full, and I lean on Him.
Linking up with Bonnie today for What I Wish I'd Known About Dating, part of her Unwrapping Love series.

I so love this post and have related to it often enough to have tears in my eyes. Thanks for the memory, time heals. I am about to give you an award.
Thanks Laura! I'm facing a 14th birthday tomorrow for my boy and dating is on the horizon. I needed the reminder that I rely on One stronger than I to protect the one I love with all my heart!!
well written, Laura. It is so hard to watch them even as adults.
This is so well said. I find it harder to watch my boys in these situations than my daughter, because boys keep their feelings inside. I just ache at the thought of them getting their hearts broken.
Love your words, Laura.
It is so hard for me to watch my little ones fall. At times it feels impossible to step back, but I know I must. I know He has it under control.
Yes, it is hard. God has big shoulders to carry us all.
Thanks for visiting my blog today. I'm enjoying reading yours and hope you don't mind if I put you on my blogroll list.
Laura, What a neat topic and you have handled it so well. Whether it be dating, or jobs, or friends, watching our children as adults can often be so difficult when we know they are hurting and we don't know all the details. And you are so right that One greater than us knows and will take care of them I have proved Him so many times. Good post. Clella
I like your take on the topic. I can imagine it's hard to watch the hearts you love and helped to create handled more recklessly than you know they should be.
Hi Laura! What a great post to meet you on and hear your words. It is hard. I have 2 boys and I am amazed how my heart takes over my head -- esp. when I see them dealing with hurt. Thanks for jamming and so love having you show up with your brew! Thnx for keeping the light on for me...
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