Flying: The Agony and the Ecstasy

Wednesday February 23, 2011

It's ludicrous.

We awake before the crack of dawn so we can stand in lines.

We stuff everything we can into one bag, and then we get to pay for its trip, too. After standing in that line, we find the bag is overweight, so we get to pay more. Or maybe we unpack in front of the world and tote flat irons and shoes and books in our already stuffed carry-on.

Then we remove our shoes, our jackets, our belts, our dignity. And we pay big bucks for this.

We strap ourselves into a large tin can and are hurtled through the clouds, enduring ear-popping, unbelievably close quarters, and substandard (if any) snacks. And we pay big bucks for this.

At our destination we wait yet again for the last bag to reach the carousel. (A misnomer, I’ve always thought. Where are the balloons and cotton candy when you need them? You’d think for the big bucks we shell out, there’s at least be a balloon or two near the “carousel.”)

All told, it seems ludicrous.

But then, there’s the payoff. The ecstasy that makes the agony worthwhile.

Forget that part about the big bucks.

This is priceless.


rjerdee said...

Good one!
And good writing :)

Jean Wise said...

Love the photos and the payoff it is priceless!!~

Corinne Cunningham said...

Look at him!!!! And what a happy Grandma :)

Shonya said...

LOL-Grandmas crack me up! ;) (my mom says my time is coming. . .grin)

Shonya said...

BTW, I posted my review of your book today. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and experience with the rest of us walking a similar path!

Karen said...

Awww, big smile and little tears. Beautiful and loving pictures.

Kindred Heart Writers said...

Oh Laura these are so sweet is always worth it. Good post. Clella

Marti Pieper said...

Sooo sweet! Makes me look forward to being a grandma one day!

Melissa said...

Absolutely. My husband and I don't like flying; just last night he said, "I'd be happy if I never had to fly again." But with an adorable grandchild waiting at the other end of your flight, who could resist?

Faith said...

Great post!!! and you are soooo right! Time with that grandbaby is priceless!! (I do like flying though....but maybe cause I don't do it nearly enough for the big bucks

Michelle DeRusha said...

Wonderful, Laura! He is such a doll...worth every penny and then some!

Ingrid said...

I think in the States it's even worse to take an airplane today ! Gone are the good times when I went there in the 90th, although they weren't very friendly with "strangers" at the border !
Since my aunt died I haven't been to the States anymore.
But for you what a recompensation !

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Oooh, I really, really don't like to fly ... but you're so right ... getting time with a grandchild makes it SO worth it all!

Melinda said...

So, so sweet ... :) I know you are a wonderful grandma!

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