So how do we teach our boys to love each other?
Research suggests that family provides the best safety net, even later in life. How do we raise our boys so they can be that net for each other?
To read more, click on over to the Mother of Boys Society. I'm writing there today.

Good advice, Laura! My boys are in their teens and it seems worse now than ever! I think your tip about lavishing a little more love might help.
Have a blessed day!
My daughter has two sons...a year apart. I must send her your link :)
Laura, going to check that site, thanks!
I stumbled across your blog and am I glad I did. Just what I was needing. :)
I am the mother of 3 great kids, one tween and two teenagers. I find parenting more challenging now than when they were little. The need for encouragment is at an all-time high. :)
Thanks for writing to hearts like mine. I will check back often.
My twins boys.. oh.. they are something! They love to compete, but they also have such an amazing bond. I'm following you, and MOB, and now I'm going to have to pick up a copy of your book! (then pray for some time to read it!!)
Thanks for writing this! I was an only child until I was almost 11, and just have absolutely no concept as to what's normal in sibling arguments, so any and all advice is helpful! And it makes me feel both better and worse to read the Brazleton comment that the conflict will never go away.
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