Of course, he was. He was up in a tree because he was so short!
But it turns out he was short on much more than stature.
Zacchaeus was a tax collector, and especially at this time of the year, we all know what that must have meant. Not everyone’s favorite dinner guest.
Zacchaeus was short on friends. In fact, when Jesus agreed to go to Zacchaeus’s house that day, do you know what the crowd did?
They muttered. They grumbled. They didn’t pat him on the back or offer to come along. They just muttered.
And the dinner guest? He went. He didn’t let the muttering deter him. And something else about that dinner guest. He stopped when he saw Zaccheus, and he looked up.
Do I?
When I pass by someone short on anything – friends, fame, money, stature, even kindness – do I stop and look up? Do I call them by name?
And when the crowd grumbles, what do I do?
How often do you that – stop, look up, and go in spite of the grumbles?
Linking up today with Michelle at Graceful for Hear it on Sunday, Use it on Monday.

Great story about loving one another through our short-comings. If Jesus can see the good in all of us, shouldn't we be able to see the good in each other? Something to work on! Thanks, Laura!
Great illustration , Laura and something to ponder today.
What a simple but wise and important message, Laura. And you know, it sort of fits with mine about what I read in Jonah -- about who we are excluding, who we deem not worthy of grace.
Thanks for linking up today -- so happy to see you there!
stopping by from michelle's. great insight. i'm not always the kind one in these situations. thanks for givingme something to think on.
Aww, the grumbling seems to fit me more than the looking up and around, right now. Thanks Laura, I needed that.
We just did a whole Sunday school rotation on Zac -- so much to learn from that short encounter with Jesus. It continually reminds me of the person that I need to be.
Heavy...you have me thinking...
I've always had a soft spot for Zachaeus - you ahve made it even softer now!
Oh wow, that's really good! Stop and look up--show compassion. Thanks for sharing!
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