When I think of Ireland, wild coasts and rugged hills invade my imagination. Rocks and green, green mossy grass – tall, heavy stones set up as remembrances.
I don’t think of a massive cathedral or stained glass windows; I see, instead, the Irish countryside.
Dr. Calvin Miller, author of The Path of Celtic Prayer: An Ancient Way to Everyday Joy, says that the Irish were always an outdoor people, worshipping God in nature. You don’t find huge cathedrals in the Irish countryside, and without cathedrals, there were no doors. Nothing to divide the secular from the sacred.
All of life for the Celts was a journey, from morning to evening and into the next day. There was no division, none of the compartmentalization so common to modern life. Hens to feed, a table to set, fields to plow, children to love – it all fell under the umbrella of faith.
Life flowed from the heart of faith and back again, no matter what the task. Oh, to capture that perspective! To speak of faith once again, whether you doubt or accept, whether you struggle or embrace…to acknowledge without fear or condemnation or judgement what a compelling force faith is.
In my wanderings through Celtic writings for today’s post, I happened upon a beautiful invocation in Anam Cara by John O’Donohue:
The Sacred Three
My fortress be
Encircling me
Come and be round
My hearth and my home.
Encircling me.
I love that.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you!

Love it, no wonder I always felt at home outside...a bit of Irish in my blood :-) Thanks for sharing today!
I have always felt drawn to the Celtic spirituality but wasn't aware of Calvin Millers book. I did know the O"Donohue one. Thanks Laura for this unique post on St Patricks Day.
Blessing to you, Laura!
The scripture at the top of you blog really speaks to me today. Thanks for sharing it here. :)
Top of the morning to you, Laura! My son just bought that book!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you! :-)
Love Irish Blessings. Thanks for sharing, Laura. Hope you had a fun, blessed day. :)
Very cool. I'll take that blessing.
I love this post, Laura -- so much I didn't know! I'm Irish (half), but never knew the Celts had such a deep connection to spirituality and God in nature. I love that...and it explains a lot about me. Whenever I feel lost and distances from God, I head outdoors, where I never fail to see and hear Him.
Beautiful post! Thanks for sharing. I've added you to my google reads list. :)
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