A Wonder-full Week: Friday's Fave Five

Friday March 11, 2011Welcome to Friday’s Fave Five. Join me as I look back at the week's blessings.If you’d like to join us, visit Susanne at Living to Tell the Story to find out how.

Grab a cup of tea and pull up a chair as I share my blessings for this week.

1. Celestial Seasonings Apple Cinnamon Spice Tea. I drink it every morning at school after having my morning coffee at home. I love the taste and it makes my room smell great -- and no caffeine!

2. A wonderful writers conference weekend. I could go on and on about this one. It's the main reason you haven't heard from me in a little while. I was gone from last Wed. to Sun. and once I got back, there was so much to do. It was a great time. I learned, connected, hugged, met new friends and loved on the old ones, and came home inspired.

3. New (and newly-inspired) projects. I decided to look into doing some editing, and a project cropped right up. I really enjoyed it and hope to do more of that. And I have some writing projects just calling my name...one, my completed novel got some interest from a publisher at the conference and he wants to see the complete manuscript. So I'm busy sprucing it up. I'll be giving my nonfiction book proposal a once-over this week, too, so my agent can send it for consideration.

4. A week off! Yes, it's Spring Break for me. I'm relishing sleeping in and spending time writing. (And oh yes, there are those final research papers that need to be graded...) And while you're reading this, I'm going to be thinking about and praying for my oldest son. He has a big weekend that I'm praying will lead to a job.

5. A quote full of wonder. An inspiring weekend always opens my soul up to the wonder. A chance of pace and place does so much for the spirit.

“Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes -
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.”
(Elizabeth Barret Browning)

May I see the common bush afire with God ... and take off my shoes.


Heidi @ Decor & More said...

Indeed, lots of wonderful for you this week. So glad, my friend. Enjoy your weekend. :)

Diane said...

My favorite tea is Sweet and Spicy by Good Earth I think. Yum! :O) Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

Our spring break was this week, too -- love having a more open-ended schedule.

The writer's conference sounds like fun! How exciting to have new projects going!

Amy Sullivan said...

I love Celestial Seasonings tea (I toured their little plant a few years ago, sounds dorky, but super fun!) and the Apple Cinnamon Spice Tea rocks.

#3? So super excited for you!

ellen b. said...

Yippee for a break! Love that quote even though it's convicting. Wonder what my blackberries are? :o)
Have a great weekend.

Karen said...

LOVE the poem. How exciting for you, that someone is interested in your book. It sounds like the conference was a success in many ways.

I'll bet your students love coming into your classroom in the morning.

Catherine said...

That's a great quote. I hope you enjoy your spring break, your yummy tea and your writing. I always admire inspired writing. When I write, it's more like it all comes tumbling out in a big jumbled mess. :)

Faith said...

Excellent list Laura!! and I enjoy Browning..this is lovely! I'm sitting with a cup of coffee though rather than tea...altho I have had that tea you mention and it is yummy and it DOES make a room smell wonderful! Have a restful weekend!

Karyn said...

I also enjoy that tea! It does smell as nice as it tastes, doesn't it?

Thanks for sharing the poem...it made me smile.

Hope you have a wonderful week 'off' (although it sounds like you'll be busy) and congrats on the intrest in your novel!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah Elizabeth Browning, beautiful words. Enjoyed 'hearing' them in my head. I look forward to hearing more about your novel. That's exciting really. The name of the tea is really pretty. And no caffeine - yay!


Ingrid said...

I only drink tea in the afternoon, in the morning I need coffee, to propulse me into the day !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love the apple spice tea as well. Have a wonderful week off.

Karen said...

Yay, Laura! Great blessings.

Susanne said...

I love that tea! Celestial Seasonings makes such great flavors!

It's always nice to get away, see friends and be inspired! It sounds like you had lots of fun.

Deidra said...

That quote is a classic, isn't it?

Now, about that tea. I have been a Celestial Seasonings fan for years. But late last year, I discovered Harney and Sons' Hot Cinnamon Spice tea. Oh my! You can find it at Barnes and Noble. Once you try it, you may never look at your box of CS the same way again. :)

Jientje said...

How nice to have a publisher interested in your book, congratulations! We don't have that brand of tea available here in Belgium and that's a pity, the apple cinnamon flavor sounds delicious

Melissa said...

Sounds like a wonderful and exciting week! What great news about your writing projects!

I'm glad you've enjoyed your spring break, and I hope you're refreshed after having a week to sleep in, write, and relax. :)

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