God is love.
It’s easy to say, but I too often speak those words with my narrow little glasses on.
Speaking of God as love is easy; it’s easily accepted by those around us. But I too often speak in that little Minnie Mouse voice. You know, the one that lacks conviction and power.
My conception of Him as love is flat and bland and cardboard until I step back and gaze at all the facets of God. Then I see His love more clearly, more powerfully.
Through the lens of His holiness, I marvel that He could love one with so little devotion.
Through the lens of His power, I stand amazed that in the midst of all He commands, He stops to listen and love me.
I look to my left and right, I gaze up and down and am stunned by His omnipresence. His love for me is magnified as see myself, a time-bound, one-dimensional creature. Yet He is everywhere, in all--yet He loves me.
His justice? Many of us fear it. It’s what keeps some from Him. But His justice mirrors love to me. With one hand He maintains the justice that makes Him God and with the other He clears a path and reaches down to me. Out of His justice, His son pays the price so this daughter might know His love.
So I gaze on Him in all His glory. His holiness, His power. His omnipresence, His justice. And the light of His love is palpable—bright, bold, vivid.

Linking up today with Emily Wierenga for Imperfect Prose.Why don't you come along?
god teaches us an amazing balance between love and justice...in truth we are all unworthy but he loves us anyway....
"Out of His justice, His son pays the price so this daughter might know His love."...oh yes...the Cross...where Truth and Mercy meet...beautiful
Love your vision...I, too, have one dimension if I don't remember His love and how He proved it ,,
Thanks for a lovely post Laura
What can I say but, Amen!
Excellent and a Huge AMEN!!!!!
Yes, Lord, keep us from cardboard versions of your love.
i want him to explode my mind. i want to never be the same again. i want a BIG God... yet i want him to be predictable, all at the same time. sigh. i love this post. it speaks my heart. xo
O Laura..I feel your words. HE is so beyond words..He IS palpable..that He can look upon us and delight and lavish His love..blows my mind.
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