Here are my favorites for this week:
1. A new (to me) author. I’ve looked at Edward Rutherfurd’s books before and wondered if I’d like them and this past week, a friend lent me one. I’m reading Princes of Ireland and Rebels of Ireland awaits. I love historical fiction and I’m fascinated with Ireland, so I’m loving these books. After these two, I’d love to read his book about London. And the one about New York...
2. Concert(s). My husband and I enjoyed one on Sunday, and we have tickets for another on Friday night. We're really looking forward to it!
3. Blog friends. I know, this is a rerun…I say it a lot. But so often, you leave comments that just make me smile. Then I find myself planning this mythical cross-country (or cross-continent) trip to meet you all… :0) Suffice it to say, I’m thankful for you!
4. Two and counting. If you read yesterday’s post, you know where I’m going with this. And if you’ve followed me for awhile, this is another rerun. But, hey – I’m a teacher and it’s tough here at the end of the year. We are ALL so ready for summer. For me, it’s two more regular days in the classroom. After that, it’s exams and we’re done. And for that, I’m thankful. (I did learn a valuable lesson about counting backwards the other day, though. You can read about it here.)
5. This quote.
“Have nothing in your homes that you do not believe to be beautiful or know to be useful.” (William Morris, 18th century architect)
Hence, my spring cleaning plans – for after school is out. Beautiful and useful. The rest, I need to get rid of. The closets are calling.
Here’s wishing you a week of books, music, and friends.

Today is our LAST day of school--and believe me, I am REJOICING! chuckle
we had so many snow days that we are in school here till the 21st of June! Your authors sound very interesting. I like reading about Ireland as well. I will have to look them up.
Don’t you love finding a new author? Glad you and your hubby are enjoying concerts. I know what you mean about bloggy friends—such a gracious gift from God in unexpected places! So glad I've been able to "know" you through the blogosphere. Such a blessing you are.
As a mom, I am counting the days, too. We go through a half-day Wednesday, then we're done. I can't wait for that first morning without an alarm clock!!!
I've not read Edward Rutherford -- sounds interesting!
That is an AWESOME quote! I love it! Thank you for sharing it.
Here's to the end of your school year!
And YES to the blessing of blog friends!
Have a great weekend.
So, what concerts are you attending? I'm interested! I love discovering new authors. I used to keep a running list, a kind-of who's on deck thing of books I wanted to read next. Then, it grew so big that I got overwhelmed and quit.
I have parts of 3 weeks left...I need Summer so bad! Enjoy your concert! Have a nice weekend!
Are these books historical fiction?
I love reading books set in Ireland as it is the home of some of my ancestors...I might check these out.
School is out here on Thursday. The children are happy not to have to make up the days missed because of the storms and power outage.
Mama Bear
I love purging things: closets, refrigerators, pantries... enjoy your closet evaluations :-) And congrats on getting out of school. More time for those books you've got waiting!
That is a great quote! A great guideline when 'purging'. Good luck on your spring cleaning!
Yay for summer holidays! Hope you have a wonderful summer!
A new author is always a great discovery, isn't it? Especially when they become a favorite author. :)
Have a happy last day of school!
With each of your faves, I kept saying, "Yes!" I even blogged about the end of the year too. I love that quote by Morris; it's one of my favorites. If you want more 'spring cleaning' inspiration, let me know! I am a constant declutterer.
I just cleaned out some closets. I love the quote. It's timely for me. We're doing the countdown to summer, too. Hang in there! I'm glad that you had time for a nice concert and a good book.
I agree, blog friends are wonderful!
So if we never really got Spring around here does that mean I don't have to Spring clean...??
I'll have to check those books out. I really want to go to Ireland and I like to have a little knowledge before I go to places. If you ever take one of those cross country blogging trips I'd love to meet up with you here in the Seattle area :0)
LUCKY YOU! Only 2 more huh....nice!!! I love the quote and altho i'd never heard it before I tend to live by that lately...i have done alot of purging of the closets this spring.
Our last day is June 23 when my youngest graduates from elementary school!! it's just a half day followed by the class picnic. That Saturday, the 25th is my oldest daughter's high school graduation!! And the great blessing? our school district, although we had 4 snow days, doesn't have to make any up!! I didn't know they had upped our days to an extra one! YEAH....enjoy your weekend and the concert tonite
I love that quote and tell myself that everytime I do a good old purge through out the house.
Blog friends really do bring something special, don't they?
The school holidays in Belgium start on 1st of July for 2 months. Lucky teachers, lol !
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