He cried out.
And he didn’t give up.
His words speak to us even today.
Jeremiah, “the weeping prophet.” He’s the picture of a sensitive soul agonizing for his people, a man with his heart turned toward God.
His success? It can’t be measured in the numbers that heeded him, because most didn’t. But Jeremiah was faithful to the message given him, and he brought hope.
Part of Jeremiah’s ministry took place under King Hezekiah who was shoring up the city against an attack by Sennacherib. Hezekiah built walls, towers, and diverted the natural springs outside the city into tunnels that led to cisterns within the walls.
Jeremiah spoke these words during that time: “My people have committed two sins: they have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.” (Jeremiah 2:13)
Earlier verses tell us that the people had forsaken God for worthless idols, placing their faith in the manmade. And apparently that didn’t stop with stone images, for Hezekiah’s tunnels, cisterns, and walls consoled the people. They placed their faith in their manmade preparations rather than in the living spring of God.
Jeremiah’s life was not easy.
But he still wept, still spoke for God.
He was attacked by his brothers, beaten and put in stocks, imprisoned by a king, threatened with death, thrown into a cistern by Judah’s officials, and opposed by false prophets.
But he couldn’t stop.
“If I say I will not mention him or speak any more in his name then within me there is something like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I am weary with holding it in and I cannot.” (Jeremiah 20:9)
And despite all that he faced, his greatest hope?
He held on to this, and he left it for us: “Surely the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant…” (Jeremiah 3:31)
One who wept.
Cried out.
Didn’t give up.
Trusted in the spring of living water.
Couldn’t stop – it was like a burning fire in his bones.
And held out hope.
May I turn from the broken cisterns toward the living water … and hold out hope.
Linking up today with Michelle at Graceful for Hear it on Sunday, Use it on Monday.
What faith.
When I think of all the times I want to give up because it is "too hard", I need to remember Jeremiah.
Beautiful picture. It looks like the hike I went on this weekend!
me too. I have always loved Jeremiah's fire shut up in his bones...how God takes ordinary broken people and uses them. Still does today and how easy it is for us..me to trust in things broken instead of the One who fixes.
that the days are here for a new covenant. Grateful:)
Hope, I find me clinging to that from the Lord, more and more. I do have a lot of leaks. :)
I've always really identified with Jeremiah. Sometimes it's so easy to forget the hope part.Such a good reminder.
I do long to be a person who holds onto hope, and brings it to others.
Laura Love this post. Clella
"May I turn from the broken cisterns toward the living water … and hold out hope.: love this prayer. You shine light on my path, Laura. thanks
laura - thsi are words for my girl. she needs them right now - i will mail this out to her. thank you.
I have always loved the imagery of the broken cisterns that hold no water. Isn't it crazy that sometimes I want that broken cistern . . . when I could have living water.
Good thoughts, Laura.
Oh Laura, this is a particularly beautiful post. I have only read through Jeremiah once, a couple of years ago. But I remember reading that verse 20:9 and thinking yes, that's why I write about Him...because I can't not. It's simply a fire in my bones!
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