Tuesday May 31, 2011
I sat in my backyard this weekend and contemplated summer.
It’s a place of freedom…
Days and day ahead of me!
A place of vision and opportunity…
A fresh smorgasbord of ideas and creativity.
A time of renewal and rest,
A place to re-focus and center.
With a touch of responsibility.
May I use the time well,
balancing freedom here
and dreams there
oh so carefully.
Whether we’re teachers out of school or moms with a brood at home for the summer – whether we work all year and only get a week or two off or whether we’re home all year round, we’re called to be wise with our time.
I’ve learned (often the hard way) that this doesn’t always mean we should be busy every moment. We have to rest, refuel, reconnect with our Source. Yes, that’s tough with a houseful of kids, but it may be even more important then as we model life for our little ones.
There are those impossible times – everyone in the household is sick, the baby’s teething, Dad’s out of town and it’s all on Mom. During those times, we look for every little opportunity for peace, we do all we can to stay close to the Source and draw strength from Him.
My wish for you and me this summer – no matter what your situation?
“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12).

It’s a place of freedom…
Days and day ahead of me!
A place of vision and opportunity…
A fresh smorgasbord of ideas and creativity.
A time of renewal and rest,
A place to re-focus and center.
With a touch of responsibility.
May I use the time well,
balancing freedom here
and dreams there
oh so carefully.
Whether we’re teachers out of school or moms with a brood at home for the summer – whether we work all year and only get a week or two off or whether we’re home all year round, we’re called to be wise with our time.
I’ve learned (often the hard way) that this doesn’t always mean we should be busy every moment. We have to rest, refuel, reconnect with our Source. Yes, that’s tough with a houseful of kids, but it may be even more important then as we model life for our little ones.
There are those impossible times – everyone in the household is sick, the baby’s teething, Dad’s out of town and it’s all on Mom. During those times, we look for every little opportunity for peace, we do all we can to stay close to the Source and draw strength from Him.
My wish for you and me this summer – no matter what your situation?
“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12).

Linking up with Jen at Finding Heaven Today for Soli deo Gloria. Click on over and come along with us!
I just had a restful weekend -- and it wasn't because I planned it that way. We had to cancel our weekend trip b/c of Nick's broken leg.
It was the best time we had as a family in a long time. Doing nothing. Sometimes God knows what we need.
Enjoy each moment of your summer.
I totally agree with you about rest and reconnect, regroup...I find that if I don't do this, every aspect of my life suffers: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. and of course being a naturalist I need to spend time in Creation. I was "forced" to be home resting this weekend as I have some kind of throat thing...almost like the flu but not full fledged....and it forced me to just REST most of the day...a blessing in disguise I guess...!
blessings to you as you refuel.
We so need that rest and refueling time. God has been dealing with my heart in the same way...of slowing down and letting him direct my schedule and my life more.
Thank you for this encouragement to rest. I am in the middle of an "impossible time" and will take your well-written words to heart!
I am so learning this! Thank you for the encouragement and confirmation that keeps me on this path!
Such wisdom! Praying to be good stewards of our time is something to think about. In the middle of all the busy, sometimes He just wants to be with me. If I don't prepare my heart to hear that call, I can easily miss that blessing. Thank you, Laura! Have a wonderful week!
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