I'm linking up with Jenny Matlock today for Saturday Centus. You'll see Jenny's button at the bottom of the post if you'd like to link up anytime this week.
Today's prompt is "within the stone." My 100 word offering follows.
: : :
Within the stone that surrounded her spirit lay all the hurts and fears of life. She could barely hear through the barrier, impervious to both jeers and blessings. She sat, palms on the cold stone, bleak as always. A tremor ran through her hands as she first felt a tap; a faint chipping sound followed. Her heart lightened; it was happening again. Someone was out there; someone cared.
Far from an annoyance, the melodious tapping carried her closer to her rescuer. Stones crumbled, light filtered in. Momentary fear was banished by the familiar gaze – the eyes of her father.

What a wonderful and uplifting piece. Great take on the prompt!
Nice job! And perfect pre-Father's Day centus!
Laura, This piece is grounded in its own weight and a tremendous tribute to fathers everywhere. What a wonderful image of penetrating the pain of another to offer healing. Thanks for this one.
insightful piece.
Very nice take on the prompt:-)
Laura Lee...what a wonderful piece you have created...clever use of the stone...such a feeling of literal, bodily entrapment, yet we realize it is not...Peace and blessings
ok, you just gave me goosebumps. great, great job
Holy Cow .... emotional runaway!!
Excellent and so emotionally charged...clever use of the prompt...I loved it !!!
Laura Lee that was a beautiful post ...
Laura Lee. This was beautiful. Really wonderfully crafted word that touched all of our hearts.
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