Friday's Fave Five

Friday July 22, 2011 Can you name five blessings from your week? Susanne from Living to Tell the Story hosts Friday’s Fave Five each week. Click on over and see her if you’d like to join in!

Here are my favorites from this week:

1. My new favorite store—Bed Bath and Beyond. I love this place! About a year ago, ours added a health and beauty section but I never paid much attention. Last week I browsed through it and realized they have really good prices. And the coupons! They take expired Bed Bath and Beyond coupons, making their merchandise a really good deal. (I just read this morning that a college student can pick things out in their local store and pick them up in the store closest to the college—no shipping! Neat, huh?)

2. An author I’ve rediscovered, Liz Curtis Higgs. I met her at the ICRS and she signed a copy of her latest novel, Mine is the Night. She has written about 6 Scottish historical novels, and I love them! This latest was wonderful. A great story with compelling characters, full of rich historical detail.

3. My third son’s exciting future! He just landed a high school math teaching job (his first) and rented his first apartment. He’s excited, and so are we. He’ll be in Kentucky, not close to us but close to two brothers and some college friends. Now that he has the job and apartment settled, he and his sweet girlfriend, Tiffany, are coming for a quick visit before the school year starts. We’re really looking forward to having him home and having Tiffany here, even if just for a few days.

4. A John Grisham novel—but maybe not what you’d expect. Theodore Boone, Kid Lawyer is a legal thriller and Grisham’s first novel for kids from 8 to 12. I’m always on the lookout for a good kids read, and I found this to be one. I love the characters he created and the warm family Theo has; they have a passion for justice and helping others. I just checked out the second in the series, Theodore Boone, The Abduction.

5. A short but pithy quote. Three words, in fact.

“Children sweeten labours.” (Sir Francis Bacon)

So true. In fact, children sweeten just about anything, I think. (Sadly, Sir Francis Bacon died without an heir, never having known fatherhood.) When I read this short quote, I thought of two friends who are having fun with their grandkids, both keeping children for their children. I hear from them daily, and they may be tired, but they’re full of joy. Even when children wear us out, either as moms or grandmoms, it’s a sweet exhaustion, isn’t it?

Hope you have a great week ahead!


Jean Wise said...

Love the quote and this list. Full of joy and thanksgiving. Bed Bath and Beyond is such a fun store to explore too. Great list today, Laura

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Love the quote! But, they also add to more ways than one! Congrats to your son on his new position.

Kathie said...

Congratulations to your son - nice that the 3 brothers are close and convenient for you folks when you go to visit!

I love that quote - and look forward to experiencing it again when we get grandchildren!!

Happy weekend!

Johnnie Alexander said...

Sir Francis may not have had first hand experience, but he knew what he was talking about. I'm having fun with my two little grandboys, but I'm also looking forward to going home and sleeping as late as I want to! Enjoyed your post.

TXDidi said...

Well, I'd certainly have to agree with your quote this week. I had heard that John Grisham had written a young adult novel but hadn't checked it out. Might have to do so. I'm just finishing "Wish You Well" by David Baldacci which is a total departure from his usual style of writing. I'm reading it to my mom and she's enjoying it, though. It's nice when a well-known author can be versatile like that.

Karen said...

Oh Laura, so many blessings in those 5. Great quote, too.

Shonya said...

Your Friday's Fave posts are always so uplifting! I agree heartily with that quote--kids make the work take longer (ha) but sweeter for sure. And I"m glad to hear you enjoyed Grisham's children's novel. I wondered if they would be good. . .

Anonymous said...

Congrats to your son on the new position!

I've never read Grisham. I keep meaning to.

I enjoy Liz Curtis Higgs, too. How fun it must have been to have met her!

Catherine said...

What a great quote. I'm listening to my boys laugh in the next room, and can't imagine life without them.

I love Bed, Bath & Beyond, too!

I'm glad your son found a job, and a place to live. That IS exciting! I'm sure you'll have a nice visit.

I hadn't heard of these books, but now I'm going to look them up. I'm always looking for fun but smart fiction for the boys. They really gravitate to the non-fiction, so I find things to read aloud. It's always a bonus if I like it, too.

Speaking of books, yours came in the mail yesterday! I'm looking forward to reading it!


Susan DiMickele said...

Ok, we think alike my friend. On many fronts. My son read Theodore Boone last summer and I had no idea there is a sequel. He is going to be stoked!

I was going to fix up your son with my niece (also a HS math teacher!) until you said he had a girl friend!

And BB&B is only one block from my house.

Willow said...

I certainly agree with Bacon's quote having just spent a week with Our Boy--he wore us out, but it was oh so sweet!
Hurray for your #3 son's job!
I love those BB&B coupons! I'll have to find out if our local one has the health/beauty section.

Faith said...

awesome list! i ADORE BB&B...just helped Courtney choose several awesome items from there with one of her gift cards...the whole pick up your stuff near your college thing is sooo cool! yay for your son's job and visit and yay for new books and that quote! LOVE it...never thot of it before but YES...totally agree.

Anonymous said...

Love how you ended the "pink" writing challenge, Laura, in your latest post. I'd like the same; although a blue "baby" would be fine too since there are NO grand-kids yet.

I must say I always enjoy your quotes. What a fun way to "use them." I collect quotes and I post many of them on Facebook. It's like I am releasing them into the wild or upon the ocean waves.

So happy for your 3rd son's exciting future and upcoming visit.

I like Liz Curtis Higgs Scottish novels. I will have to look for this latest one. Maybe the library has it already.

Have a lovely week.

Jientje said...

Congratulations to your son, you must be so proud of him! A good book is always great, but having it signed by the author makes it even more special. Have a wonderful week Laura!

Susanne said...

Congratulations to your son.

I love Bed, Bath and Beyond too but the nearest store is in the big city 2 hours away. That's probably a good thing or I might just be spending a wee bit too much of my cash there. :v)

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's really terrific for your son -- new job, new home, new routine. Great finds this week for you!

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