That’s probably pretty much how the crowd felt about the little man that day. But God has lessons for me, straight from the story of the little man.
Zacchaeus was a tax collector—one who took what the Roman government demanded and more. His kind was despised. And whatever his motivations for seeing Jesus that day, he made his way there.
He wanted to see Jesus and hear him. So, he positioned himself so he could.
Do I purposely place myself in position to see and hear Him?
When Jesus extended His invite, the crowd muttered; they called Zacchaeus “a sinner.” (Like they weren’t? If I look closely, I see my face in that crowd…)
Zacchaeus’ response to Jesus is my second lesson. Zacchaeus had always been a taker—of what he was entitled to and more. So what does the little man do now, when addressed by Jesus? He becomes a giver, something he'd never been before.
Once I’ve seen Him, do I make a conscious effort to comply with His character? Do I do what I haven’t done before; do I become what I haven’t been?
May I learn from the little man—turn my face to Him and be willing to change.

Linking up today with Michelle at Graceful for Hear it on Sunday, Use it on Monday.
Oh yes Laura, to turn our face to JESUS (fix our eyes on Him) and allow Him to change us...thank you for helping me to see this in Zaccheus.
i love this post - such a rich story. and you've left me with things to think about....
Oooohhhh, I've never considered how much effort Zacheus put into seeing and hearing Jesus. This speaks to me, Laura -- it tells me I can't expect that God will always simply show up without me making a major effort to seek him.
Thanks for these great lessons.
I love the story of Zacheus and the amazing transformation he undergoes. When I was kid for some reason we were told that the tree he climbed was a monkey puzzle tree - very spiky! Whatever the tree was he was one determined guy!
Great lessons! I love how a story we have heard a hundred times can be used to teach us something new. I want to position myself to meet Jesus. And I want His presence to bring about change in my life.
Thanks for your comment on my blog. Many blessings!
Do I purposely place myself in position to see and hear Him?
Great question and illustration. New aspect of this story too.
I often think not only do I fail to position myself to hear him, I have my hands so full of stuff I think is important, I couldn't receive anything from HIm if He offered. Empty hands, too.
"Do I do what I haven’t done before; do I become what I haven’t been?" WOW...that's powerful for me today! Thanks!
That is a GREAT question to ponder...do I place myself in a position to really SEE (and hear!) Him?? thanks for sharing this!! God bless you this week!!
If we only took as much effort to SEE Jesus...and then to let Him change us.
Laura, I'm a big fan of pithy questions, and you have asked some good ones--these are my favorites: "Do I do what I haven’t done before; do I become what I haven’t been?" Your writing is clear and concise and wise. Thanks for stopping by my blog today--glad to get acquainted this way!
Such a good reminder that we have to actively place ourselves in a place to see Him! Thank you for the encouragement!
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