Maybe it’s the teacher in me. When I write, I like to follow the rules. Well, usually. I must be a left and right brained person, because sometimes the creativity just takes over and wackiness ensues, rules out the window.
But generally, I follow the writing rules. When I write for Hear it on Sunday, Use it on Monday, I keep Michelle’s suggestions in mind (even though she’s flexible). When I post for Soli deo Gloria, I always think back to Jen’s introduction to this meme, where she wrote that she wanted to know what was going on in our lives and she talked about the living out of faith and hope.
So, today I thought, “What’s going on?”
My answer? “I’m waiting.”
I’m waiting to hear about writing I’ve submitted. About a proposal and a novel that a publisher is looking at. I’m waiting to hear about one son’s job—and rejoicing over the news of another’s son new job! (He’ll have his first high school math classroom in the fall, and I may be as excited as he is.)
As our boys leave the nest (only one is still here when he’s not at college), we realize we have more choices in life, so we’re waiting to see what the Lord holds and when He’ll let us in on things.
But when I think of waiting, I always think of my grandmother’s favorite verse. (I remember decoupaging it on a plaque for her in VBS one summer, and my mom has it hanging in her living room now.)
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).
When I read that verse, I’m reminded that waiting is not drudgery—it’s filled with anticipation! What’s ahead for those who wait? Renewal, more strength. Soaring, running and walking without exhaustion. That’s great stuff to look forward to!
So, I wait. With my face to the wind and my eyes on the Son.
I’ll use the light that I have as I wait, be faithful to what He’s called me to, today.
What helps you wait?
Linking up with Jen at Finding Heaven Today for Soli deo Gloria. Click on over and come along with us!
Laura, This is such an uplifting post. Thanks for reminding me that God is with us in our waiting. Clella
The print is not showing up for me . . . I will try again later.
Ah, it showed up, when I went through Google Reader. Yeah.
I love your post about waiting and the love you show for your boys.I remember the day I got my first teaching job . . . such excitement.
A novel . . . can't wait. :-)
A great post to read by someone who when I hear or read the word waiting I see uuuggghhhhh. ;) Then the song 'Waiting" comes to my mind and I remember that is when we are called to worship.
Praying for great outcomes with your waiting!
oh, you have so much to wait for....i love the isaiah verse. does it drive you crazy that i do't use capital letters?
I'll be waiting in anticipation with you about your writings, how exciting. Let us know if your novel comes out on the shelves some day, I'll be sure to get a copy! :)
Visiting from Jenn's place~
Laura, this post just made me grin from ear to ear. I just envision God just lavishing love upon you, as you are faithful to wait on Him. Your soul is shining!
Laura..how I needed to read this verse today:) You have adult children? Me too. I didn't know that:)
I am encouraged by your mindset as I know you are filled with anticipation waiting to hear on your writing!
I just read Kendal's comment and I laughed. I have NO writing background I just write as I think so I must really drive you gals crazy...lol!
Can't wait to hear
I am encouraged today Laura! Thank you!
What helps me wait? Ugh, a good book.
And, decoupaging? You crafty thing.
As for me, I am somewhat of a rule follower, but only in certain situations. For example, if it says "No food at pool". I will certainly not bring food in the pool area. Now, this same thing does not apply for road signs...hmm.
I love this verse, and I love your perspective... the waiting is full of anticipation!
Writing thoughts in a journal helps me while I'm waiting.
but, your post challenges me that learning how to wait better is something I need... after all, "waiting times" in life will continue to happen. I'm not sure if there is ever a time I'm not waiting, whether it's a small thing or big thing.
I hope you hear some good news!! :)
Anticipation of the waiting. There is that, isn't there. What a good way to look at waiting. I hope you hear positive news from the publisher. I think an author spends a lot of time waiting.
I think I'm one of the people who learn the rules so I can break them -- but that only applies to my writing.
Good stuff! Waiting can be such a rich time.
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