1. Hard work. This seems appropriate on the heels of Labor Day. That hard work? It was my hubby’s. He spent practically his entire Labor Day in our yard. We now have new plants (Red Button Ginger) with glossy green leaves and a touch of a red bloom. New mulch, new edging—he outdid himself!
2. Family celebrations. Yesterday was the littlest Groves’s first birthday. (Aiden, that is.) I wrote a little about his celebration and our part in it here. (Check out the pictures!) We couldn’t be there (oh, my heart) and neither could two of the boys, but we got great reports and plenty of video and great photos.
3. Work in general. Thankful for work? Well, yes. As these tough times stretch on and on and as we look toward our future, I am thankful for work for me and my husband. And you know what? We both love our work. We feel called to do what we’re doing. That sure beats hating what you do and just doing it for the money. It looks like I may be writing about my teacher work soon—a new blog for teachers will soon launch and I’ll be contributing. I’m excited!
4. Movie night. We saw a fun movie last weekend—Midnight in Paris. It stars Owen Wilson, who I always enjoy, as a writer. Although it’s set in modern times, while he’s in Paris he finds himself mingling with the likes of Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald. A few caveats: it’s a Woody Allen movie so it’s very “talkie”—lots of navel-gazing. If you don’t like Allen’s movies, you wouldn’t enjoy it. It was SO much fun to see some of my favorite writers depicted. And they were so true to what I’ve read about them! (My hubby said, “I enjoyed it, but…” The literary allusions weren’t his cup of tea, but he was still a good sport.)
5. This quote:
“Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery that it is. In the boredom and pain of it no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it because, in the last analysis, all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace.” (Frederick Buechner)
In boredom and pain, excitement and gladness—all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace. Isn’t that lovely? Help me remember that, Lord!
Wishing you some key moments full of grace this week.

I enjoyed all five things on your list, Laura.
Yay for your hubby - and good work done!
A belated Happy Birthday to your grandboy - what a great present! He'll enjoy that wagon for years to come.
A deep FB quote - one to ponder. Thanks Laura!
I’m always encouraged when I read about how much you love your job. It does my heart good. My 16-yr-old is thinking about going into teaching, but she hears so many discouraging stories from teachers, so hearing the positive ones are always a plus.
I might enjoy Midnight in Paris, but my husband would hate it. ha. Maybe I can rent it one day while he’s hunting.
Have a great weekend, Laura!
Great quote and hug your hubby for me. I think he must be such a super man. You are blessed!
Haven't heard of that movie. thanks for recommending it.
I always am pleased to hear a teacher say they feel called to teach. I always felt that way and still do. All of your list encourages me. Clella
Wow, nice hubby to do all that work and the results are so lovely and will bless you for years!
Happy bday to your grandson. One already? Where did this year go?
I can't believe Ayden is one already!
It is a very great blessing when you have a job, and not only that, enjoy it! I've had times when I needed a job, and I've had times when the one I had was making me very unhappy! Presently, I'm doing what I was born to do, and that is a very happy circumstance!
Glad your hubby was able to get a lot done and you're ll able to enjoy the fruit of his labors!
And it's so wonderful to have a job you love.
Depending on the child, sometimes it works better not to have a lot of people and hoopla for a first birthday party. We had a handful of people over for my first son's first birthday, and he kept trying to crawl down the hall to get away from it all (he's still like that today at 27, lol!). It's really neat to be able to video those celebrations with ease these days.
Such an appropriate quote for FFF in specific and life in general. I want to live that one too!
I always enjoy your writing so I look forward to reading what you contribute to the teachers blog.
I know it! We worked all Labor Day weekend as well. It's like the big push before fall and cooler weather. Home Depot was quite packed in our town!
And Amen to having work! Not something to take for granted, that's for sure, in today's economy!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Yay for husbands who work in the yard...looks great, Laura! we wanted to but alas, one week after hurricane Irene hit, Tropical Storm Lee hit and now we are totally waterlogged. Yardwork is on the agenda for tomorrow for sure now that the sun is starting to dry us all out! Happy Birthday to your adorable grandson and how awesome to be writing about your teaching!
These are all great (yeah, need to be thankful for work this week:)) but my favorite hands down is that b-day celebration. Love the pictures! I can't imagine the joy in your heart.
Gosh I forgot that Labor Day was this week...and my dh spent so much time in the yard doing what yours did! I need to reflect on that quote...ahhhh
Love the quote, and I think it's great you listed work as something to be thankful for--it's all too easy to take for granted!!
I'm sorry you couldn't be at the birthday. what a cutie! (And that wagon is fantastic!)
Your new plants look great, too.
Thanks, as always for your quotes. I love them!
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