As I wrote about my dad on Tuesday, the simple pleasure of memories just washed over me.
I heard from all my boys that night, and one said, “I know you didn’t have room, Mom, but there was SO much more you could say about Grandaddy! How he’d distract us at the table and steal stuff off our plates, how he could peel an apple with his pocketknife in one long peel…” And he went on and on.
I can close my eyes and see the day he ran alongside my bike after taking off my training wheels. I remember my wedding day, my college graduation—his pride.
And not just Dad. When you have four sons, there are so many memories. Funny ones, poignant moments, even scary ones. Thirty some years of marriage has yielded some wonderful memory moments, too.
They’re not all perfect memories, but they’re fraught with love and lessons, and I’m thankful for them. A simple pleasure they are.

Linking up today with Dayle for Simple Pleasures.
what a great Simple Pleasure - priceless!
Gal, thanks for writing, maybe I should do mom passed 09/05...and I'm in the midst of it...thanks for writing of the silly memories too!
What a sweet post! Memories are one of the wonderful things about having family. :)
Thanks for sharing these things. It is so good to read that not everything is without its pain. There is a suffering that is a rich and necessary part of life that matures us. Mave
to have and hold onto those the best.
Your post just brought back a memory of my dad doing the same thing peeling a apple with his knife and its being that long entire pill ..memories .......
A true simple pleasure for sure.
I went back and read the heartfelt tribute to your dad. Made me tear up and smile, both at the same time. Made me think of my beloved dad too, who has been gone 11 years now. Love the ways your sons have those memories. You are so right, memories are precious and priceless. Thank you for sharing yours.
Our memories sustain us.
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