Playing a Part: Friday's Fave Five

Friday September 23, 2011

Can you name five blessings from your week? Susanne from Living to Tell the Story hosts Friday’s Fave Five each week. Click on over and see her if you’d like to join in!

Here are my favorites from this week:

1. Teacher-to-teacher talks. My third son, the high school math teacher with his very own first classroom, calls a couple of times a week and we talk shop—or school, as the case may be. I love it! It’s great to hear about his classroom and students and to share a bit of advice along the way. (He’s doing great, by the way—said the proud mama.)

2. Shakespeare. I do love Will, the bard. Right now I’m teaching Romeo and Juliet in my regular English classes and King Lear in my honors. One day as I started class, I thought, “I am so in my element. Shakespeare all day—I love it!” I discover something new every time I dive into his works.

3. Family fellowship. This weekend, my California son is driving to see his cousin as he’s awarded his very own Marine command. (We’re so proud of our family Marine!) He’s the only one of our immediate family that can make the trip to San Diego (from LA), so he’ll be representing us all there. Great to think of him being with family on such a special day. And my youngest, the college boy, is driving a couple of hours to spend the weekend with the oldest and his wife and son. The teacher brother and the college boy live within about 10 min. of each other, so they often hang out on weekends. I love that the boys choose to spend time with family.

Another bonus here...a great day to celebrate with family is coming up. Family Day is coming up on Monday. See my Wednesday post on that for some great ideas!

4. Another blog home and new blog friends. I’m so excited to be a contributing writer for Inspired Teacher. Some of you know Kendal and Amy, and they’re writing there, too. It promises to be a fun, encouraging place for teachers of all kinds—public, private, home, you name it. We’re kicking things off with a giveaway on Monday, so be sure to come by and check it out!

Speaking of blogs and blog friends, I have to add a bonus to this one! Catherine, FFF friend, posted the nicest review of I'm Outnumbered last week. Thanks again for the support, Catherine!

5. This quote:

“It is idle to talk always of the alternative of faith and reason. Reason is itself a matter of faith. It is an act of faith to assert that our thoughts have any relation to reality at all…” (G.K. Chesterton)

I do love Chesterton. I puzzled through this for awhile. When we truly see ourselves in the grand scheme of things, I think we see that our manmade reason is small indeed. We see ourselves as large on the stage of life but, in reality, we are so small—which makes me even more thankful that Someone larger than me lowers the lights and pulls the curtain! And sometimes, I get to play a part, through His grace.


Unknown said...

Oh someday I will tackle Shakespeare...I promise! I really do want to! lol

Oh I can't wait to check out Inspired Teacher!

Hope you have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

You are blessed with some wonderful family. It is obvious, Laura, there is a close connection between you all (visiting one another, sharing life through words: giving and receiving advice).

It is a wonderful thing to see someone who truly loves their job.

It has been a long time since I've read/studied Shakespeare. Yes, I got something out of it, but boy was it hard work!

Faith said...

I love your FFF list! How special to have your family time!! and Shakespeare....I'm not a huge fan but I did enjoy re-reading through SOME Of his works when my oldest took the Honors English courses...and guess what? My youngest was just accepted into the Advanced English 7 class this year....more great reading! Enjoy your weekend..I'll have to check out that teachers blog! :)

Anonymous said...

So neat to have a son in the same profession to talk shop with! And it's neat the boys love to make time for each other.

I wasn't acquainted with King Lear until college, and I loved it.

ellen b. said...

How fun to talk shop with your son! That's great that one of your son's will represent on the special day for the Marine. It would be nice if our Marine was stationed at Pendleton instead of North Carolina. I always like to think about a slice of Chesterton. I don't think I'm quite up to a whole book. I like your thoughts on the quote! Have a great weekend.

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Shakespeare...hmm, never really got into it but I've been expanding my horizons, so to speak, so perhaps I'll give it a chance too!! I only know about Romeo and Juliet so I'll have to Google other works by him. Sounds like you have a great family!!! Love reading your Fave Fives!!

Anonymous said...

You sure surprised me with the statement about Shakespeare - "I am so in my element." It's great that you have so much enthusiasm for the subject -- I'm sure it must rub off on your students :-) You've instilled the valuing of family in your boys.

Anonymous said...

Visiting Shakespeare's home in Stratford is one of the highlights of my trip to England. I still do not know well how to understand many of his works, but it was magical to touch the table where he wrote, see the signatures of other literary greats who visited his home (Kipling, Tennyson, etc).

"He's doing great - said the proud Mama" - I love that!

Heading over to Inspired Teacher now. Thanks for introducing the site.

Ingrid said...

My family life is reduced to Mr. G and the cats ! My son lives in Amsterdam and I only see him and family not so often. But now they finally found a house to buy and there will be more room. So far they lived in what I would call a chicken shed, but now with the baby it has become impossible ! It's very hard and very expensive to find a flat to rent in Amsterdam. For a one bedroom flat you pay more than 1350 $ ! and it's very small.

rjerdee said...

Loved your explanation and understanding of the quote in #5 :)

Catherine said...

Congratulations on your new blogging position!

It's so nice to read about your boys. It must be fun and a little surreal to talk about teaching with your son - and I love that your guys love, support and enjoy each other. (and their cousin!)

Thanks for the great quote, the thoughts to ponder, and for including my review in your post. *blush*

You're very welcome, I loved it! xo

Jerralea said...

Family fellowship is so special! Congrats to your nephew for having a Marine command. He must be a very special person to achieve that.

I'll tell my daughter about your Inspired Teacher blog. She loves stuff like that.

Karyn said...

Must be very special, not only to share a profession with your son, but to have him call you a couple times a week to share with you his experiences!

It is a great blessing that you kids WANT to spend time with one another - and with other family as well. But that doesn't just happen - their parents have taught them the value of family.

Susanne said...

So neat that you and your son have that common ground of work to share.

Congratulations to your nephew and so nice that your son was able to share in his day.

Me and Shakespeare never were on speaking terms. LOL. Maybe I needed a teacher as passionate as you on the subject.

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