Awed Adoration: Friday's Fave Five

Friday November 18, 2011

Can you name five blessings from your week? Susanne from Living to Tell the Story hosts Friday’s Fave Five each week. Click on over and see her if you’d like to join in!

Thanksgiving is almost upon us!

I’m so looking forward to family time. And here are this week’s favorites for me:

1. Hearing a student say, “I really liked this book.” My students just presented an Outside Reading Project, and I got to hear those great words. They’re great from any student, but these came from a sixteen-year-old boy, one who struggles academically. Warmed my heart to see his excitement over the book he had read!

2. The countdown. It’s days now until I get to see all my boys, my sweet daughter-in-law, grandson, and a young lady who’s special to one of my boys. I’m glad for every day that takes me closer to them!

3. April. Yes, I know—it’s far away. But my writer buddies and I have made plans, and we’re hoping to spend a weekend together. It’ll be great.

4. More holiday time! I do love Christmas, and the fact that Thanksgiving is the doorway to that season isn’t lost on me. I’ve already pulled out the Christmas music, and I have it ready for November 25th.

5. This quote:

“The life of true holiness is rooted in the soil of awed adoration. It does not grow elsewhere.”
(J.I. Packer)

That’s what thankfulness is—awed adoration. And holiness? That’s being close to Him.

What a place to be at the Thanksgiving season. Full of awed adoration, standing next to Him.

Hoping that for you this week.


Jean Wise said...

Yes thankfulness for April!! But even more so that all your family can get together. That can be so difficult with everyone's schedules. Blessings on your travel and time together.

Karen said...

Great list, Laura! Anticipating the holidays and being together with family -- I love that one.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Kathie said...

Awed adoration - a phrase to live by! Thanks Laura.

Hope you have a grand celebration with all your family this Thanksgiving!

Jerralea said...

And there is so much to adore about Him!

Love the quote! (You always pick good ones!)

I'm hoping your anticipated family time will be everything you wish.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a great Thanksgiving lined up!

My youngest son is not a reader, but his English teacher assigns six book reports a year. He has actually liked several of the books, and I am hoping this will trigger a new habit. :-) Still doesn't read unless he has to, but I am hopeful that will change.

Hope you April plans work out.

Love that quote!

ellen b. said...

We have a count down going on here, too. So glad you will be all together soon. A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Glad you are holding off on the Christmas music till after Thanksgiving :0)

Lisa notes... said...

I love hearing anybody say they enjoyed a book too! Books have brought me so much pleasure my whole life; I want others to know that feeling.

You've got some fun family times ahead! Enjoy.

Love the Packer quote. Always good.

Faith said...

I love to hear people, especially students, say they loved a book! yay!! Have a wonderful THanksgiving with your family and grandson!! and yay for his stuff!!

Karyn said...

It must make you feel very fullfilled to have a reluctant student express excitment over an assignment. Must make all the work worthwhile.

I look forward to hearing about your family time! You must be very excited. Maybe there will be some photos of that precious little boy on next week's FFF? *hint*

Carrie said...

=D Yes! Thanksgiving and family time!! We get to travel to see my side of the family this year and I'm so very excited to see my nephew and meet my niece. My my will have all her grandkids together. It should be a blast. Sounds like you'll have a blast as well!


Anonymous said...

I always look forward to and meditate upon your quotes, Laura. This one is another keeper and a great reminder of how important "awed adoration" toward the right source is.

I love anticipating events as well. Your April time sounds intriguing and seems like a fun thing to muse.

Have a wonderful week celebrating and enjoying your family.

Amber said...

Time with your kids and grandchildren at Thanksgiving, how very special!
Glad you will have much family around to spend the holidays with!

Happy Thanksgiving! early!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hope your family get together will be joyous and full of thanksgiving!

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Sounds like you have a great get together coming up!! Hope you have a blast with your family!

Love to read and I also enjoy hearing kids/teens say they like a book!

Catherine said...

I can't wait to read about your Thanksgiving. I've already watched some Christmas movies, and have the decorations ready to be put up as soon as I wake up on Friday morning. :)

I hope your travels are safe, your family is healthy and your visit is perfect.


It sounds like your holidays will be very special, Laura.


Amy Sullivan said...

Bouncing over to say I'm thankful for you, your words, your responses to crazy emails about grammar.

Hope your holiday was amazing.

Susan DiMickele said...

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving Laura. I too love this "doorway" to the season.

I may just crash that party in April!

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