JOY: Friday's Fave Five

Friday December 16, 2011

Can you name five blessings from your week? Susanne from Living to Tell the Story hosts Friday’s Fave Five each week. Click on over and see her if you’d like to join in!

My favorites for this week:

1. Being finished…for awhile. All done at school and ready for Christmas vacation! I took an exam and finished my class last week, too. The new year is coming!

2. Christmas secrets. Oh, the phone calls and texts about Christmas surprises! So much fun. The boys are buying and shipping and packing and bringing. And here’s the Georgia Christmas tree that will greet them when the walk through the front door!

3. Boys at home. It will only be two this Christmas, but we’re thankful to have them. We have plans for a special, fun family day while they’re here, too. (Going to check out Legoland!)

4. A short trip. I’m taking off to see my mom for about five days, and we’re going to see Aiden, too.

5. A Christmas quote:

“This is the message of Christmas. We are never alone.” (Taylor Caldwell)

Emmanuel – God with us. From that first starry night in the stable until forever, He is with us. That’s what Christmas really means. He’s in the here and now; He’s in the future. He’s in the joy and the pain; He is with us.

May you know joy in the week ahead.


Faith said...

There's just something about your post that is so cheerful and comforting!! I hope you enjoy a wonderful Christmas break....we have school all next week and I am SOOO ready for that break....enjoy every minute with your boys, your mom and that precious grandbaby....your tree is gorgeous, btw! :) Have a blessed weekend and Merry CHristmas!

Jean Wise said...

Enjoy your mom and the boys. Love #2 - the secrets and surprises of Christmas

Joanne Sher said...

Your Georgia Christmas tree is GORGEOUS! What a fab list :)

Lisa notes... said...

Yea for the end of school for a few weeks! We're closing down shop for our homeschool too.

So glad you'll at least have two of your boys. I'm thankful that it's working out that both my daughters will be here for at least part of the Christmas weekend. It's time to learn to share! :-)

Enjoy seeing that sweet Aiden and your mom!

God with us--does it get any better than that?

Merry Christmas, Laura!

Catherine said...

Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy your time off with your family. LegoLand should be so much fun!

I wish you all the joy of the season.. and it looks like you've already been experiencing quite a few of them!

Oh, and your tree looks beautiful!!

Karen said...

Laura, prayers for safe travels for you and your family. Enjoy, enjoy! Merry Christmas!

Willow said...

What a happy post! I'm done with school for THREE weeks--happy dance! Enjoy having your two boys home.

Treasure each day's visit with your mom and Aiden!

Susan DiMickele said...

Boys at home -- now THAT'S something to celebrate. Blessing Laura, let's connect after the new year!

Anonymous said...

Such a nice feeling to be done for a while!

I love Christmas secrets, too - all the phone calls and pulling each other aside for private conversations.

We're looking forward to having boys home at Christmas, too.

Unknown said...

so glad you have finished up for the season. we have two more days....hope your time with your guys is great - and legoland is awesome!

Susanne said...

Love your commentary on the quote. So comforting!

Lucky you being all done work. I work right up until Friday afternoon but then I'm off until the 3rd. Yipee!

Enjoy your visit with your mom and Aiden and having those boys home for Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I like that "until forever" part of your #5. Our Christmas songs have focused on Emmanuel this year. I love the anticipation of each of your faves, Laura!

Karyn said...

A gorgeous tree!

Sounds like such a lot of fun at your house!

Have a safe, fun trip to see your mom and Aiden!

Merry Christmas.

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