It's been quite a week for our family, but His blessings have shone through. If you'll read below, a couple of earlier blog posts tell you a bit about our son's car accident. But even in the midst of a challenging and sometimes scary week, favorites shine through.
Susanne from Living to Tell the Story hosts Friday’s Fave Five each week. Click on over to get the details and join us.
Here are only five of many blessings I found in this week:
1. God’s protection. If you saw a picture of my son’s car, you’d know exactly what I mean.
2. God’s provision. In everything from places to stay, food, gift cards for expenses, and loaner cars, He has provided amazingly.
3. God’s people. At times like these, they seem to come out of the woodwork. We’re so thankful for all the support we’ve received from all over the place.
4. Successful surgeries. My son has had two and he’s ready to begin the healing. We’re praying for quick and complete healing and lots of patience for a long road of PT.
5. A lovely quote. Yes, this one is quite different. And there’s a story behind it. When we arrived at the hospital, our son was in surgery. After what seemed an interminable wait, we got to see him. He was intubated and couldn’t speak until the next morning when they took the tube out. That’s when I heard the quote that meant the world:
“I love you, Mom.”
We’d so appreciate continued prayers for Andrew’s healing and road back. We’re so thankful for him and can’t wait to help him down that road.
have been and will continue to be in prayer for this guy.
Thank you SO much, Kendal. We're learning firsthand how prayer IS the greater work!
Praying for your son's healing and for your family.
wow. I'm going to continue to pray for you, your son's complete and quick recovery and your family. How awesome is our God to provide exactly what we need when we need it! and that's your best quote yet! :) (i am also telling my small group to pray as 2 of the women have your book!)
Even though we wouldn't choose these situations, it's so neat to see how God blesses and sustains through them. Will be praying for your son's recovery and for your family.
So sorry to hear about your boy's accident. Saying a prayer for his quick recovery.
So glad that the lord is sustaining you and your family through a difficult time.
That "I love you Mom" would be the sweetest sound in the world to you!
Oh, I picked an awful week to cut back on my Internet time. As soon as I read your comment I came to your blog.
I'm sorry that your baby is suffering, but so glad that he has been well taken care if.
You must be exhausted! I hope that you are feeling the same cover of love and protection that you are seeing all around you.
That is a terrible phone all to receive. I will pray for Andrew, and for you and all the people who love him. I will also be praying for his care team, as they guide him back to healh.
(hug) Thank you for taking the time to guide me here. I'll share your needs with my prayer circles right now.
xo Catherine
That is surely an "I love you, Mom." that will be cherished forever. It deserves its own comment.
Even after time goes by, and the awful wounds are faded scars, the "I love you" will still shine as bright. More cherished than any family heirloom. xo
That is the best quote ever! Continuing to pray for Andrew and for your family.
I had missed the news of your son's accident. I will be praying for him and you.
Oh Laura! So sorry you had to recieve that phone call! But I'm very glad to hear Andrew should be on the road to recovery.
For sure, I will be praying for him, daily.
Isn't it awesome how God takes care of us in the hard times?
Bless you.
Father, thank you for your protection of Andrew. Thank you that he will be able to recover. I ask that you put your healing hand on him just now - cause his body to come into line. Give his doctors and nurses wisdom and insight into his care. I pray that his injuries will heal completely so that there are no lingering side effects of this incident. Lord, make yourself known to Andrew in a new way through this experience. Let him know your presence when he is in pain, when he is afraid, when he is lonely and whisper into his ear how much you love him.
Laura, I am grateful we have the Internet so that you could let us know what's going on.
I will be praying daily for you ALL: quick healing with no long-lasting repercussions, peace, restorative sleep, wisdom, continued help to meet your physical/emotional needs, and whatever else God brings to mind.
Your quote is the best one and most meaningful one EVER!
Just read through the last few posts.
I am so sorry to hear your son was in an accident and hurt. He will be in my prayers for healing. You will be in my prayers as well.
Oh my! I'll go right now and read the previous posts. The most important thing here is that Andrew is able to say, "I love you, Mom!" My mom's heart is with you!
Laura, I love this story. What precious words from a precious son!
I didn't realize until I read back through that Andrew is a schoolteacher. My oldest daughter had a terrible car accident last week when a young man turned across traffic and into her car. We're thankful she wasn't seriously hurt.She is now preaching the gospel of "Wear your seatbelt!" (she was, and it may have saved her life) to her students.
Anyway, just wanted to share another commonality. I remember my days and nights in the hospital with my Andrew. It was such an intense and exhausting time for us both. Continuing in prayer--and love.
I didn't write that too well. I meant to say "My oldest daughter, who teaches special education, had a terrible car accident. . "
A friend told me God has more special things for Kristen to do. And I know that's true in Andrew's case as well. Blessings and love--
Thinking of you and your family...praying for you guys.
Thinking and praying for you, Laura. And for Andrew.
Praying for you and your family. Look forward to seeing your sweet words again.
Laura, I've been out of the blog world so I just got caught up on Andrew. How's he doing (I'm writing this on Valentine's Day)? I linked up at SDG tonight, looked for you, didn't see you, so I popped over to see what's up. You and yours are in my prayers!
Oh Laura,
I've been emailing back and forth with Les Stobbe regarding the FCWC and he mentioned your son's accident. I'm so sorry he was seriously injured and just want to let you know I'll be praying for his FULL recovery, and for peace and grace and strength for him and your entire family.
Laura -- I'm so glad that your son is okay! For some reason, your name popped into my head today and I realize I haven't seen you at Soli Deo Gloria in quite sometime. I will be praying for your son, that he would continue to recovery quickly!
I've been thinking of you and your family, often. When I think of you, I pray for Andrew.
I hope/trust his recovery is progressing as expected.
Be encouraged. God loves you and has put y'all on many hearts to uphold you in prayer when you are tired and afraid.
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