It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? So many times I’ve thought of updating you but real life just intervened. It does that sometimes.
First, let me tell you that our son Andrew is doing well after a serious auto accident in early January. We got him back here to South Florida at the beginning of February, after revamping a few doors and bathrooms to make the house a bit more wheelchair friendly.
Andrew began to settle in at home but after about a week he ended up in ICU here in Florida with an infection. It was a scary four days, but he got wonderful care and came back home in good shape.
He’s doing physical therapy in earnest right now, trying to improve his range of motion and strengthen muscles in hopes of being weight-bearing in about a month. And then the physical therapy will continue…and continue. We have a long road ahead, but he’s making steady progress.
A very sweet, special young lady in his life lives only three hours from our house, so we’ve had some great weekend visits. She’s the best therapy ever—and such a doll, who fits in so easily, no matter what the situation.
Andrew’s care has been a combination of me, his dad, and a home health aide so I that I can (try to) keep teaching. That’s been a challenge, but my school has been wonderful. The secretary always assures me, “No problem” when I call with news that someone will need to cover for a few minutes till I get there. My teacher friends come in and take a pile of quizzes from my hand, demand the key, and bring them back graded. They say, “Of course we’re praying for Andrew, but we’re praying for you. We want to help you.” I truly don’t think we’ve ever felt so loved, so prayed for.
I’ve learned so much and am learning more every day—spiritual lessons and practical ones. I have plenty to write about. Now I’m just waiting for the Lord to grant me the time! Next week is my Spring Break, so I’m hoping to get some writing done, but we’ll see. I know He knows best.
And since it’s Friday, let me give you a quick recap of my favorites—my blessings—from this week. Susanne from Living to Tell the Story hosts Friday’s Fave Five each week. Click on over to get the details and join us.
1. Your sweet words and prayers. Between comments here and on my personal and author Facebook pages, the support has been incredible.
2. Those who feed and love and pray for us. Those who don’t ask what we need, but just do. That’s a blessing because you often just don’t know what you want or need; things can be overwhelming. But there’s a good kind of overwhelming, too—being overwhelmed by God’s love and provision for us through His people.
3. Sweet sons. I’m so proud of how Andrew is facing this and how his brothers have supported him since the moment we all heard. Andrew is looking forward to his youngest bro coming home for Spring Break this week—some brother bonding time.
4. A hard-working, selfless husband. I can’t even express how much he’s had to do in balancing work and home. His “Sure, Son” attitude makes even the hard seem easier.
5. A sustaining faith. ‘Cause that’s what it does—sustains me. There have been those terrifying moments when there’s nothing to hang onto and nobody else around but the Lord, and He’s always there. His love for Andrew and for us has helped us to rest in Him, even in times of darkness. He is truly our Light and He illumines the way, step by step.
Can’t wait to hear from you, dear Reader. I hope to get around to say hi to you, too. I’ve learned to wait and see what each day holds, though. Hope you’re all well and enjoying a bit of Spring.

i don't normally read many blogs in morning before leaving for the school but i am SOOO glad I decided to log in...and saw this!! Have thought of you often all winter and we even prayed for you guys in my small group (one of my friends has your book!). Thankful to hear A is on the mend....and your faith is a great testimony. Looking forward to reading more from you...have missed you!!!
Wow...what a journey! Will keep you and yours in prayer... praying specifically for peace and joy in the journey.
Thanks so much, Laura, for the update. I had just checked in last week to see if there was more news on how your son was doing.
Oh, Laura, I didn't know about your son! I am so glad that he is recuperating and your friends and family are pulling together to help.
Words can' express what friendship means at times like these.
I pray that you will truly be carried through this trial by our Master.
so glad you posted and that andrew is progressing. praying for endurance for you all.
I'm so sorry to hear about Andrew. Your family is on my prayer list. Praying that rehab goes well for him! I had tears in my eyes reading about your coworkers...they can make all the difference in the world, can't they?
Thanks for the update, Laura! I'm thankful to see Andrew is making such great progress! Praying for God's continued strength for the road ahead!
Laura, rejoicing with you and the family. You've had such a rough road, and praying that the Lord will grant smoother days ahead. Love you!
I am so glad that Andrew is doing better. Thanks for sharing your journey and I promise to share your burden in prayer.
So glad to hear things are going better. God can teach us so much about ourselves and others through tough times, can't he? He will show you so much more...Much love to you!
I cried when I read your blog update.
Especially the sustaining faith one!
It is ever amazing to me how He does just that, and in our darkest hours.
Praising Him with you and your family and thanking Him for His care of you through his people!
GOD SPEED and still praying here in Colorado!
Our situations were not long term, nor was I working, but during two life threatening situations with the kids (SVT and 3+hour seizure...both with long hospital stays and the seizure had a long recovery) I so appreciated the friends and church family who embraced us and loved us. I felt it all over again when our baby was born in October...not bc of health but bc she screamed for 2 months straight without a dx...and she hated to be out of our arms. Friends came over so I could wrap Christmas gifts...made meals...and prayed for us. With no family near, it made a huge difference.
So glad you are so blessed. So thankful he's doing better!
I've thought of you over the past couple of months and really missed you here at FFF. So glad to hear that Andrew is home and progressing in his therapy. Praying it continues well and that his progress goes amazingly fast.
How awesome that your fellow teachers have been such a blessing for you. What a relief that must be to have those papers graded for you.
I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation
So glad you were able to find some time to give us an update.
I continue to pray for you, your family, and especially Andrew.
I'm happy there are so many in your life to support and help you in practical ways. God is good.
I am so late getting around to reading FFFs. I'm SO GLAd I continued! Your post brought tears to my eyes. I hadn't realized (how did I miss all this??) how serious Andrew's accident was. I'll certainly be praying for you all now!
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