Spring Thankfulness

Friday April 6, 2012

I just love this Friday exercise! Last week didn’t lend itself to posting, but I still made a mental list, and I looked forward to coming back this Friday.

Would you like to join in? Just click on over to Living to Tell the Story. We’d love to have you.

Lots to be thankful for this week. A risen Saviour who lives and loves and intercedes for us? What more could we desire?!

I'm thankful for these added blessings:

1. An encouraging doctor appointment. Our son Andrew has passed the three month mark since his accident. His visit to the orthopedist showed progress, and we’re all so thankful. Lots of work ahead, but my goodness how far he has come in three months!

2. University of Kentucky Wildcats! Yes, they won it all. I wore my blue in their honor on Wednesday.

3. Seeing my boy onstage—and just seeing him, in general. I had a weekend away last weekend, while Dad took nursing duty. Our youngest was in Thoroughly Modern Millie at Asbury University, and I got to see him. It was great to spend a little time with him and I loved seeing him sing and dance!

4. Seeing Aiden—and his parents. That same trip offered an opportunity to see my grandson Aiden, and I jumped at the chance. He’s such a busy boy! He’s 18 months old now and loves cars and running and climbing steps, and peekaboo just cracks him up. Sweet, sweet boy.

5. A quote.

“God sows His saints by His whirlwind. Let God fling you out, and do not go until He does. If you select your own spot, you will prove an empty pod. If God sows you, you will bring forth fruit.” (Oswald Chambers)

Three months ago I had some plans, then the whirlwind hit. This quote reminds me to wait on Him; He knows what He’s doing, far better than I do.

Hope this finds you enjoying spring and reveling in the resurrection.


Jean Wise said...

lots of joy and thankfulness in this list this week, Laura!! Glad you shared this.

Faith said...

I love how your spirit of happiness and thankfulness comes out in this post, Laura! So glad to hear the good news of your son...my group is still praying for you all! :)
And your grandson is adorable..hard to believe he's a year and a half already!! Have a blessed Easter marveling in the New Life....

Unknown said...

all smiles reading yoru post!

Shannon said...

Glad Andres is doing well. Keeping those good thoughts coming!

Lisa notes... said...

Yea for Kentucky! They were my pick too. Glad you got to see your boy sing and dance. How fun. And Aiden. :-) I'm sure that is fun beyond words. He's really getting big.

Hope said...

So glad your son is doing better. Nice that you got to see your other son, too. I love Thouroughly Modern Millie!

Susanne said...

Glad to hear the 3 month check was good! And nice of your Dad to take on the nursing duty so that you were able to attend the play. What a blessing.

Aiden is growing so quickly. He's getting that toddler look about him. Too cute.

Happy Easter, Laura!

Gattina said...

Your grandson and mine have only 2 months difference ! Toby is walking and running around apparently, I will see all that now on Easter.
Happy Easter to you !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Sounds like a wonderful week. I love getting a chance to see my grown children.

Kathie said...

So glad to hear that your son Andrew is progressing well!

And your grandson is adorable! I just became a new grammie :)

Hope you have a joyous Easter!

Karen said...

Love Oswald Chambers. Such a great quote, I need to write that one down!

I'm glad to hear that your son is doing so well. Have a happy Easter, Laura. I really enjoy your FFF, always so uplifting.

Jennifer @ JenniferDukesLee.com said...

"Let God fling you out."

Wow. Those words both frighten and excite me. That Oswald, he sure knows how to bring it!

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