Steps, Sparkle, and Shine

Friday April 27, 2012

So much good this week!

I have news for you…

Linking up with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for Friday’s Fave Five. Click on over if you’d like to join us. We’d love to have you.

1. My son’s Facebook status yesterday. That says it all. He wrote:

“Yesterday was a big day. For the first time in three and a half months, I stood up and, with the help of a walker, I took a few steps!”

How awesome is that? It was incredibly tough, though, and there’s the prospect of grueling work ahead. A friend reminded me that the One who protected Andrew that Friday in January and kept him alive has the same power now to help him with each step. I love that.

2. My youngest son’s award! My youngest is majoring in Media Communication at Asbury University, and he won Best Audio for a film called Twirl at Highbridge Film Festival. So exciting. (It’s a fun animated short – you can click here to see Twirl and hear my son’s work.)

3. Having my hubby home. He was gone all last week, and it’s so good to have him back!

4. Some inspiration. I can’t believe I even had time to think last week, but for some reason the Lord put this post on my heart. And I’m pondering the next one, tentatively titled, “Living It.”

5. This quote:

“People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within." (Elizabeth Kubler Ross)

I want that Light from within to sparkle and shine right through the darkness!

Blessings on your steps this week,


Jean Wise said...

Good list and quote, Laura. I am thankful for all of your list but the one about your hubby being home struck me the most. Simply loving and being in a relationship and enjoying their company and missing their presence. wow. good moment.

Annette Whipple said...

:) Standing up and steps!! Woo-hoo!

It's amazing how our children continue to make our lists of blessings...mine in the midst of chaos and yours even when they are away from home.

Thank you for sharing all!

Jerralea said...

So glad to hear of your son's progress! I am sure the Lord will help each "step" of his journey.

I looked at your other son's video - so cute! I'm amazed at the creativity!

Then I read your post about what defines each of us. Very inspiring, and after some thought, I'd like to fill in the blank after my name as simply "child of God." I want that to define me more than anything else.

Lastly, I love the quote! I want His light to be the light shining in me even when I'm in darkness.

Have a great week, Laura!

Anonymous said...

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord." So wonderful to hear about Andrew's steps and pray he may have many more.

Congrats to your youngest on his award!

Love that quote.

ellen b. said...

That really is great news from both your boys! Just wonderful. Another fabulous quote. Yippee for hubby being home. Have a wonderful weekend.

Faith said...

Praise God for the steps your son took! YAY...and I started watching your other son's video but about half way thru it crashed on me...but what I saw was very interesting! That's a GREAT quote....I really needed that tonight. And yeah for hubby's being home! Have a wonderful weekend, Laura (oh your post was great too...i just didn't leave a comment but it was excellent!!! and rather timely for me)

Susanne said...

Reading about your son made me want to stand up and cheer. So excited he made it to that point and praying for strength for him for the next steps in his rehab. Go Andrew!

Congrats to your son on his award. And smiling along with his proud mama!

Bluerose said...

That's exciting news for both boys!

Yay for inspiration AND having hubbies home! :)

Anonymous said...

So so pleased that your son is making progress and is looking forward to more as God strengthens and enables him. Congrats to your other son for that accomplishment. Nice to have your dear one home again.

Willow said...

YAY for Andrew! Those few steps are even more exciting than the ones he took the first time he walked.

Love the Ross quote--which explains your photo at the top of the post :)

Jennifer @ said...

You've much to celebrate! And I'm praising God with you today.

I'm loving that quote, too.

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