We've all faced one, at one time or another.
How do you arm your child against a bully?
The MOB Society (moms of boys) is addressing just that in a Saturday series. Today, I've posted a few ideas there. Click on over to read about helping your child face a bully.
I'd love to hear what you think, your experiences. How did you deal with bullies as a child -- or how has your child fared when faced with a bully?

Headed over to check it out, Laura. I have a good friend who's boy is being bullied by other kids who are making fun of his physical appearance. I'm going to check out what you have to say, and if you can offer any other resources, let me know. Keep up the great work here. xo
For now we're letting Sweet'ums deal with bullies in the way that comes natural to her. Without any coaching from us, she gives them a free shot (whether they're hitting, pushing, whatever) before she retaliates. I don't advocate violence being a first line of defense, but I can say that after she does back to them what they do to her, they don't mess with her again. Then again, we're talking about a four year old, not big kids, but it's what we're doing for now.
Now, off to read your other post!
PS. I've been reading but I don't always know what to say. You're always in my thoughts though!
I remember being bullied in middle school and my parents and I took time daily to pray for the girl who was bullying me. This reminded me that she needed Christ and helped me remember that I still needed to show the love of God to her despite her actions. It changed my heart toward her. As I responded in love to her bullying she soon began to change as well.
Now I'm not saying that every situation ends like this but as believers we are called to love no matter what is being done to us. The way my parents taught me to respond to this girl has had a lasting impact on my life. It's all about perspective and if my heart is not focused on myself but rather on God's glory in every situation we can look at others in a different light.
That's it, Kristen -- unconditional love!
Wise words from my sweet daughter-in-law!
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