Love between bites of salad.
Compassion shared and doubled.
A simple summer day becomes a benchmark when friends break bread.
It’s no secret around here that this life has been a challenging one since my son’s accident in January. Joys and victories and thanks abound from an accident that clearly has shown God’s grace and provision. But sometimes, even in the midst of blessing, times are hard.
That’s why sitting with a friend you can be oh-so-real with is such a gift. Who understands that expressing disappointment or heartache sometimes goes hand in hand with acknowledging blessing. Who realizes it’s okay to cry with joy sometimes and still weep through the sadness.
What better way to spend a summer day?
Love between bites of salad.

Linking up with Michelle for Graceful Summer. and Ann for Food on Fridays. Photo credit
yes! i'm experiencing that with a new friend in my life right now...and oh what a blessing it is!
Thank God for those friends who sit with us quietly through the highs and the lows. Sending you lots of love, Laura.
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