I'm linking up today with Susanne of Living to Tell the Story for Friday's Fave Five.
Here are my favorites for this week:
1. Sweet neighbors. We run in and out to physical therapy and doctor appointments and don’t spend a lot of time standing out in the heat to talk. I miss that. But we have some neighbors who have been so sweet during this time. One shared with my husband today that she saw Andrew walking to the car with a cane and just had to go share his recovery with a friend on the phone. She reminded us that she’d been praying for Andrew. Means so much.
2. Family! Bundled up in the trip will be an opportunity to travel with another of our sons and to see Aiden, his sweet mom, my mom, and some close family friends. It’ll be great. So much to look forward to.
3. Good news for a writer friend. She’s not ready to share publicly yet, but things are looking very good for a book contract. She is one of those writers who really works at her craft, and she's so incredibly talented. I’m so excited for her! I’ll share more as soon as I can.
4. A husband who says, “How can I help you?” Just tonight as I was cleaning up the kitchen, he asked. He’s always been such a servant, a man of action. We heard a great sermon last Sunday about having an attitude of service in the family—I posted on it earlier this week.
5. This quote:
“God gives His gifts where He finds the vessel empty enough to receive them.” (C.S. Lewis)
Sometimes our lives are so filled up…with just stuff. It seems so important and, in a second, we see it’s just really not. We don’t always ask for those times—ask to be emptied. But I’m thinking we really should. When all the “stuff” is stripped away, it’s just amazing to me what we see of Him. That’s my big thanks for the last six months.
Wishing you a happy week,

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Laura, I am always amazed at your constant gratitude. Thank you, because it is an encouragemrnt.
I agree with Annette. You really have embrace living with gratitude even with chaos and uncertainty. I think these Friday lists are great by the way.
Thanks for posting #5--I need to hear and read that regularly. Our Bible Study this summer has been reading The Forgotten God by Francis Chan. Highly recommended!
What wonderful news about Andrew! He's walking and able to return to Kentucky!
Great news about Andrew's recovery and readiness to return to KY!
Sweet neighbor you have there.
Your upcoming trip sounds like it will be a great time.
The last quote sounds a lot like a song called "Treasures" which has a line something like "God could not pour His riches into hands already full."
I love your flair for expression and your blog is a delght!
That is great news about Andrew returning to his home. And yay for you being able to see more family and friends! Love the quote and the way you expressed your self about it. That touched me. Have a restful weekend!
Sounds like you have some great reunions ahead. I'm sure you'll enjoy your time. Glad your son is able to get to the car with his cane. So nice to have a helpful hubby!
Friends who pray faithfully for you and are excited at small progress's are such a blessing, indeed!
That is a great quote and one to definitely take to heart!
Laura, so glad to hear how well Andrew is doing! Truly God is working miracles in his life.
It's so true what you said: "Sometimes are lives are so filled up…with just stuff. It seems so important and, in a second, we see it’s just really not." If only we could see that BEFORE a disaster comes ...
Have fun seeing your little Aiden!
How wonderful to read about your neighbors when it seems more and more we are losing that connection with others.
Fun to be able to celebrate with a friend about exciting news!
Thankful for the blessing you have in your husband. I posted something similar this week. Yes, blessed.
And thank you for the quote. I have been feeling quite "poured out" lately. What an encouragement this brought to my soul! The pouring and emptying is not in vain...
Happy Friday!
Sweet neighbors are rich blessings, aren't they? Glad to hear about Andrew's progress. What a long road it's been. I read the first part of your #2 list and only saw "bundled" -- with temps in the 90s here, it made me squirm until I realized you were talking about bundled opportunities! Hope you have a wonderful time visiting and enjoying traveling together. Thank you for your thoughtful quotes each week.
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