My son preached to me last Sunday.
No, really. Yes, there were plenty of times my kids humbled me and taught me lessons as they were growing up, but I got to sit in his church and hear my oldest bring the Word last Sunday.
He’s preaching through the plagues, and he’s on #7 – the hail.
We’ve felt assailed by something a lot like hail lately, so his sermon hit home.
A plague is a crisis. This one resulted in the loss of crops and livestock and people for the Egyptians. They were a proud, accomplished people, creators of an incredible culture at that time. What they must have thought of themselves and their accomplishments!
I’m beginning to see that me and Pharaoh…we’re sometimes too much alike.
In their crisis or ours, what can we see?
His mercy. This was the first plague where God forewarned the Egyptians, telling them to get livestock in.
Man’s stubbornness. Some obeyed, some didn’t.
What else can we see in this crisis or ours?
His plan and our place. God was at work in this situation. When we know that the One who works in all things "for the good of those who love Him" (Romans 8:28) is at work, that should bring us comfort, even in the midst of crisis. And it should turn our eyes toward Him.
Something else I had never noticed in this story—it shows God’s protection.
Moses went out in that hail to go see Pharaoh and he walked out in it again to ask God to make it stop. And although the hail had killed livestock and people, Moses walked through; God was with him.
I’m so like Pharaoh most of the time. I have my own plan and, whether I like to admit it or not, my own plan is a competing plan if I’m relying on myself.
I forget about a power greater than mine. Instead of living on my own strength, relying on myself, I can rely on One whose power is greater.
For He accomplishes his purposes not just when the sun is shining (when everything lines up my way), but through plague and rainbow, crisis and storm.
That’s power.
Joining Laura, Jen, and Michelle with words from the heart.
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What a blessing to hear your son preach and to be convicted by your Father all at the same time. You have such a beautiful heart, Laura. So thankful for your messages of hope.
So very true, Laura! I find that it is sometimes easier to hear God on a sunny day...the hail storms get so noisy and scary! It makes it hard to listen, to be still and focus on His voice...my New Testament reminder is Jesus in the storm. The disciples are scurrying and shouting trying to be heard over the noise of the storm...and Jesus is sleeping. When they finally run in to Him, he simply calms the storm.
Moving cross-crountry in 3 weeks while getting ready for a new year of home schooling has had the potential to be a noisy storm...the Lord has been so faithful in reminding me to slow down, listen, and to watch in awe and wonder as He does what only He can do through it!!
We have been praying for you and the family. Thank you for sharing your journey and insights!
What can I say except Amen. Our daughter presented her program at church last night about their journey of adoption and the full circle from Romania and back. Patience and storms with the Lord providing. Thank you for reminding me that we can all walk through the hail.
Wow! What a blessing for you, as a mother!
God often speaks to me thru my children and grandchildren. Rarely, though, has it been in the form of a sermon intentionally spoken directly from the lips of my child.
Thansk for sharing, Laura!
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