When we see life from God’s perspective instead of our own, the picture changes.
Seeing life from God’s perspective gives trouble, heartache, obstacles a different hue.
Seeing life from God’s perspective gives the image in the mirror a new tinge. It’s smudged, even a bit dark…but His love is shining over the shoulder, casting the image’s real worth.
Seeing life from God’s perspective sheds light on the rough path that seems obstacle to obstacle. Slowly, gradually, we see that we’re really moving from glory to glory.
Seeing life from God’s perspective helps us see mountains as opportunities for Him to work in our lives.
Seeing life from God’s perspective gives us a true picture of real goodness, goodness this world just does not know. Goodness we can’t see if we only cast our eyes about us here on this earth.
Adjust my perspective, Lord. I want to see from Your point of view.
Linking up today with Duane Scott for Unwrapping His Promises and Jennifer for God-Bumps & God-Incidences.

Praying right along with you. Just read a great quote the other day about this but can't find it now. I know I will and when I do will send it to you. lovely words today, Laura.
To see from God's perspective. That is something I need to work on. Thank you, I needed that today.
I'm reminded of Brandon Heath's song, "Give Me Your Eyes" while reading your thoughtful reflection today, Laura. Thank you for submitting this in community. You've blessed me so.
Amen. May He adjust my hearts vision to see from His perspective. Great truth here!
Yes! Enough said.
Ahhhh, yes. Love it! His ways are so much higher than our ways.
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