Sometimes, I just need a nap.
And I’ll bet you do, too.
But once in a while, I have the presence of mind to ask myself, “Why?” As in, why am I so tired.
And if I can keep my eyelids from drooping long enough, I recount all I’ve done…and how little I’ve rested. And again, I ask “Why?”
My first answer is, “Because I have so much to do.” But do I…really?
So many of my expectations are self-imposed. I’m running to win, to do, to compete, to serve, to please.
That’s okay, isn’t it? All too often, the answer is “No.” Because when I run like that, I’m running for myself, for the approval of others, and even for a smile from God.
And I’m running from grace.
This song, Rest Easy by Andrew Peterson, helps me get things back in focus. And I find real rest.
Click here to listen. Andrew Peterson’s awesome lyrics are below.
You are not alone
I will always be with you
Even to the end
You don’t have to work so hard
You can rest easy
You don’t have to prove yourself
You’re already mine
You don’t have to hide your heart
I already love you
I hold it in mine
So you can rest easy
Do not be afraid
Nothing, nothing in the world
Can come between us now
You don’t have to work so hard
You can rest easy
You don’t have to prove yourself
You’re already mine
You don’t have to hide your heart
I already love you
I hold it in mine
So you can rest easy
You work so hard to wear yourself down
And you’re running like a rodeo clown
You’re smiling like you’re scared to death
You’re out of faith and all out of breath
You’re so afraid you’ve got nowhere left to go
Well, you are not alone
I will always be with you
You don’t have to work so hard
You can rest easy
You don’t have to prove yourself
You’re already mine
You don’t have to hide your heart
I already love you
I hold it in mine
So you can rest easy
Join me as I slow down, stop running, and stroll toward grace.

love this. love Andrew Peterson. hate thinking about all the self-imposed lack of rest.
thank you for the prompt to slow down and rest. i'm looking forward to resting through October. seriously, making rest a habit! i think we're missing so much of what God intended in our walk with Him because we just refuse to view life from a different perspective.
have a blessed (and restful?) day!
"self imposed expectations" now there is a line I needed to hear today. mmmm, now to ponder this and obey the call to rest. good thoughts, Laura
Love this post and looking forward to the series! This makes me think of that saying about the urgent overtaking the important and was just what I needed to be reminded of today!
yes..."self imposed expectations"....we all get in that rut for sure. I've learned over the last several years, since going back to the classroom, that I NEED to take a real rest...spiritually and physically to stay focused and recharge with the requires a trust with the Savior that He will take care of our "to do" lists if we submit them to Him....there's a ton I could say about this! lol.....thanks for doing this series....I'm a fan of spiritual, mental and physical "rest".
rest easy, indeed.
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