Rest Happens

Friday October 19, 2012

Yes, sometimes “rest” happens…and that’s what happened for me! I haven’t posted in a while because I was away, resting—enjoying, playing, reading.

I’m linking up with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story today, sharing the blessings of the week. Only this will have to cover two weeks since I’ve been away.

Here are some favorites from the last couple of weeks:

1. An engagement! My son Andrew and his fiancée Tiffany will be getting married this summer. A second girl in the Groves family—we’re so excited. And what a sweet and special one she is. Here’s a picture of the happy couple, ring and all, right after he asked and she said yes!


2. My surprise trip. This I could go on and on about. My hubby whisked me off to NYC, where we stayed for two nights and saw two shows. Then we took a train to a little bungalow on a lake for two more nights. It was fun, it was restful, it was oh-so-special! I got to see some fall foliage. The picture above is the lake we could see from the bungalow.

3. The best leaf picture I’ve seen. My oldest son sent me this one of Aiden the other day. I call it Pure Autumn Joy!

4. Aforementioned husband. You know, the one who planned the surprise trip. We had a great time together. We’ve had a great time together for years, but now our nest is a bit quieter and emptier. We do miss the craziness and little boys underfoot, but we’re acquiring a new appreciation for this stage, too.

5. This quote:

“It’s a good thing to have all the props pulled out from under us occasionally. It gives us some sense of what is rock under our feet, and what is sand.” (Madeleine L’Engle)

Important discovery, that—what is sand and what is rock. I’m holding onto that rock!

I’ll be jumping back into posting about rest soon. We’ll get to 31 days sooner or later…

Hoping rest happens for you this week,


Faith said...

YAY for NYC shows!! And I'm guessing the lake/cabin was in the Catskills but perhaps you made it more up my way to the ADKS? (we're about 35 min north of the catskills) Andrew and Tiffany look so happy and that grandson of yours!!! SO CUTE!! (and getting so big!!) loved your list....GOD IS GOOD! happy restful weekend!!

Jean Wise said...

That is one powerful quote. one I need to remember!

Susanne said...

That is a very powerful quote. I keep reminding my kids that if we're never tested we'll never really know if our faith is real or strong.

What a wonderful surprise trip your hubby planned for you! You are a blessed lady!

Congrats to your son and his fiance. What a cute couple they make!

Joanne Sher said...

Really like the quote - AND the pix. And, well, EVERYTHING about this post!

Barbara H. said...

Congratulations to Andrew and his fiancee! That trip sounds just lovely. My son saw Phantom of the Opera while on a trip to NYC and loved it.

Jerralea said...

What a neat surprise trip! I would have just been flabbergasted at something like that ...

Congrats to your son and his fiancee!

LOVE LOVE LOVE the photo of Aiden!

Clella said...

Laura, I just feel good reading this post. Thank you for sharing ...Love to you Clella

Mothering From Scratch said...

{Melinda} You are divinely blessed, Laura! :) So happy for you and all the good things going on in your life right now. After a difficult season, you are due!

Ingrid said...

Wow that's nice that you had good holidays ! And a new DIL ! I wished I could say that my DIL is nice, but she is very strange, not very family at all it's sad ! My son mostly comes alone with Toby because curiously she is always sick !

Willow said...

GREAT quote (and so true!) from M. L'Engle. She's one of my favorite writers.

Congratulations to Andrew and his girl. Yay--another wedding coming.

I have found that while I do miss the hustle of having children, I am enjoying thi empty next time of life.

LOVE that photo of leaves and boy.

Annette Whipple said...

Congratulations on Andrew and Tiffany's engagement!! That is, indeed, wonderful news! Another girl in the family...what a blessing!

Your getaway sounds wonderful! A bit of city and a bit of the lake. :) What shows did you see?

nikkipolani said...

Wow. You've been collecting enough faves to last you quite a few weeks! Congrats on your new future daughter-in-law! They look deliriously happy :-) Your surprise trip sounds absolutely delightful. What a creative husband you have! You've certainly got joy this autumn.

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