Looking for wonder this week?
There’s plenty to be found…and blessings, too.
I’m linking up with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for Friday’s Fave Five, where we share our blessings from the week. And there's another place to celebrate gratefulness this week -- with Bigger Picture Blogs over at Jade Keller's blog.
My favorites from this week:
1. Exercising my rights as a citizen. My husband and I visited our polling place on Tuesday and we were there about an hour and a half. We’re usually in and out in a few minutes but, surprisingly, I wasn’t annoyed in the least. I was thrilled to see so many participating in a great endeavor, valuing their rights and privileges enough to wait in line to vote. Whether your candidate won or not, you’ve got to celebrate the fact that we have the right to make our voices heard. Liberty is a wonderful, valuable thing.
2. Anticipation. I love the upcoming holidays and, even more, I cherish the idea of family time. In the next two months, we’ll get to spend time with all the boys and my mom. I’m so looking forward to it.
3. Two nice emails. One, from one of my students, read something like this: “Thanks for inspiring me to write.” Sweet…and rewarding. And the other asked if I’d be interested in writing a magazine article I queried a while back. It was a welcome surprise, and you can believe I said yes!
4. Birthday cupcakes. They were right on time, several weeks ago, but I’m belated in mentioning them. I was so tickled that day when my friend announced at lunch in the teacher’s lounge, “I made birthday cupcakes for Laura!” I was just thinking last night about how sweet that was, and how sweet my friend is. Just had to mention it.
5. A quote.
“Remember when you were little and thought everything was amazing? It still is.” (Dan O’Donnell)
I do love a sense of wonder. (And so does Jean Wise, who I “borrowed” this quote from – thanks, Jeanie!)
It’s far too easy to get complacent with the wonders of the world and the life God has given us. O’Donnell’s quote reminds me to hang onto the childlike wonder.
Wishing you wonder this week,

Glad you liked the quote I did too. I think wonder is a spiritual habit we forget to use!
:) I had never had to wait more than ten minutes before to vote...this time it was at least 30-40 minutes! Wow!
I'm so glad to hear you are inspiring others to write...and encouraged through opportunities and feedback!
This was our first presidential election in our new state, so I wasn't sure what to expect. It went much more quickly than what we were used to, but they had twice as many voting machines. I am so glad we have that liberty.
What neat e-mails! Great news about the article!
We do tend to forget the "wonder of it all" as we get older, don't we? The quote is a great reminder.
I love the holiday time too because it means family time!
Sweet friend to bring cupcakes to work to celebrate your birthday!
LOVE the quote and such a great reminder to hold on to the wonder...of it all....love that your student sent you a message and I'm with ya on the holidays too although it will be a little tough I guess with my mom in heaven now.....yay for bday cupcakes!!
Oh, I want to keep a sense of child-like wonder! There is so much in this world to enjoy ... and God made such a wonderful marvelous world.
It's great to think that you've inspired a writer! I'm sure it makes all your lesson-planning worth it ...
Thanks so much for joining in with us! Voting in free and fair elections is indeed such a fantastic liberty. That's so lovely you got that wonderful email from your student. It must be a great feeling to know you're making a difference in your students' lives! Congrats on the article as well!
I voted by mail this election, in fact the last one, too. I miss going to the polling place and seeing all the familiar faces. There's something exciting about casting a vote and knowing the results the same day.
Love the photo! It looks familiar -- NYC?
Cupcakes in the teacher's lounge ... what a wonderful surprise from a thoughtful friend.
So nice that you are looking forward to family times together :-) And those emails are definitely faves!
Hurray for the magazine article opportunity!! Keep us posted!
I'm looking forward to the holidays too--being together as a family is the best part!
I am looking forward to the holidays too: The family time, the special foods, days off work, spoiling others, etc.
I like the idea that wonder is a spiritual habit. I am going to pass that tidbit along as my Facebook status.
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