Isn't that an awesome concept...a wayside sacrament?
Sacraments here and there, scattered along our way to remind us of beauty and, most of all, of Truth. Hang on for the quote!
I'm linking up with Susanne of Living to Tell the Story today to count the blessings of the week -- Friday's Fave Five.
Here are my favorites from this week:
1. Wedding plans. Oh, what fun! Even though I have to enjoy from afar, it's great to get texts like: "We tasted cakes today!" and to see pictures.
2. Students who work. Oh, they don't all really want to work, but it's great to see some of them take hold of a project -- like a research paper -- and make it their own.
3. My lunch bunch. It's a room full of teachers. I do love the people I work with!
4. Watching my son parent. That's the wonder of smartphones. The great pictures and videos...watching Aiden in his "big boy bed" for the first time. (He looked at the rail on the side and said, "It's not gonna work." At first I thought he meant the side rail wouldn't go up and down like his crib rail did...but after today's report, I think he was saying it would not be successful in keeping him IN!)
5. A quote:
"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God’s handwriting – a wayside sacrament. Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every fair flower, and thank God for it as a cup of blessing." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Too often, we don't see those beautiful things. In the sameness of winter (or even the sameness of South Florida), we look right past everyday beauty. I love this quote. It reminds me to look for that cup of blessing. And it leads me to the Source.
Wishing you beauty -- God's handwriting -- this week,

I just KNEW it was gonna be an Emerson quote..I just had this feeling....must be because I was in the Boston area last weekend :) I LOVE that quote and you might see it as my status on FB later as I have a friend who needs to meditate on those words...i hope you don't mind if I use it and maybe your thots on it? I will credit you of course!! AND....yay for smartphones (altho I don't own one) and your grandson.....what a hoot about the rail not working! so cute!! Gotta love wedding planning..altho I think I have a ways to go before one of my girls is in that position. Enjoy that Florida weather you have....we are shivering this morning at 10 degrees F. BRR.....
i always love your friday fave five. glad you are in a good place. new semester yet?
:) I always enjoy the highlights of your week. You seem to have a gift of staying positive. :)
My MIL and I began the habit of emailing regularly during our wedding planning time. We now email (almost) daily, sometimes multiple times a day. (I didn't email quite so much before children and when I was working.) I also began blogging about our family and my daughter's speech progress when she was two...for my MIL and family since they were hours away.
Mmmmm. I do like that quote. Such a good reminder look at beauty with clear eyes. How fun to get tidbits of wedding plannings :-) I hadn't opened up my Pinterest pages in month and was surprised to see a ton of wedding stuff -- it was my cousin "liking" wedding dresses and flower arrangements!
Love that quote! Even a beautiful secular piece of music can life my heart in praise to God.
It's such fun to be "in on" wedding plans. Like you, with all boys, I'll never get to plan one with a daughter, but it was fun to hear bits and pieces when my middle son got married.
Your Friday Faves are always encouraging. What a beautiful quote from Emerson. And good to remember.
Texts and photos make it so much better when you are apart. You feel part of their everyday life. Not like the old days with the occasional and expensive phone call and letters. Although - letters are still nice :)
Aiden is a hoot!
Happy weekend Laura!
YOU sound like one very busy and happy mom! God bless!
Love that quote. You know Laura that would make a great book title too...Just sayin'
Oh, Laura, Aiden's comment made me laugh out loud! Priceless!
Love the quote, I'm writing it in my 'quote journal'.
I must've missed a post . . . I didn't realize you have another wedding in the family! Congratulations1
love the quote!
Wedding plans from afar...
and grands growing up. Glad for modern technology so you can be included. Have a wonderful weekend.
Laura, I can see him saying that! How darling! But well...maybe not for his parents. :) Thanks for that reminder to look for the beauty!
Laura, I love the quote and the idea of a wayside sacrament. (I want one!)
All your faves were special today. Tell us more about wedding plans! Have they set a date?
Thank you for sharing about the wayside sacrament and the quote from Emerson. I had never heard it before. I love the "cup of blessing" that he calls beauty. I totally love this concept.
Had to smile at your grandson's declaration that the railing wasn't going to work. I guess he was being prophetic!
Having smartphones is so great isn't it?! I want to get my Mama one. She just has a regular one right now. I want to be able to send pictures to her through email. :)
The quote is beautiful and something I needed thank you!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I do have 3 little boys and I can imagine the weather in FL. At least you have some beautiful beaches.
Love that quote! Nature very much points me to the Creator, the Source of Life and Beauty!
Ah technology, for all that it drives me crazy it is wonderful for being able to stay so connected to loved ones. Your grandson cracks me up.
Wedding plans are always fun - even vicariously! And I got a chuckle out of your grandson's reaction to the (challenge of) the side of his big boy bed.
Wedding plans, sounds good ! My son is still not married, lives together with his "girlfriend" they have a son, and a house together and I find it ridiculous not to marry ! They think it's not "necessary" and they want to keep their "freedom" pheww, they are not free with a child together anyway ! I enjoy "talking" with my little grandson via Skype ! that's great !
ALWAYS love your Fab 5 - #4 is my fave, but they're ALL great. Thanks for a delight for my day.
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