Do you hear the song when you read that title? I do. Can't get it out of my head. And I love it.
I'm happy to be back and linking up with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story, and happy to be greeting my Friday's Fave Five friends once again. I look forward to making the rounds to see what's happening, and I can't wait to hear from you all. Hope your holidays were beautiful.
My favorites from the last couple of weeks:
1. A great holiday time with family. There were a lot of us crammed into a small space, but it was great! All the boys were there, the lovely (and brave) daughter-in-law, the precious grandson, and my hospitable mom who opened her home to us. We even had snow! Snowballs were thrown, snowmen were crafted, and grandson Aiden got a ride down the hill. It was just awesome being together.
2. My hubby. After all the hubbub, it was nice riding home two days with my sweet husband -- time to talk, nap, read, listen. We do love to drive and be together.
3. That pile of books by my bed. I got even MORE books for Christmas! (My boys know what I love, and they got me some great ones.) I must admit, I already had a pile and now it has grown larger. I think I'll post sometime on the books by my bed.
4. Some exciting things for 2013. There's a wedding coming in June (our son Andrew and his fiancee Tiffany), one son is at Sundance Film Festival, another is anticipating a really cool internship possibility and working at the Winter Olympics, and the Groves family is hoping to add a little girl -- our eldest son and his wife are praying about taking steps toward an adoption from India. News about a novel of mine is upcoming, too. Lots of exciting things!
5. This quote: "When you love another person you see the face of God." (Les Mis)
Yes, Victor Hugo -- one of my heroes. You know that question people ask -- "If you could have dinner with anyone from history..."? I've added Victor to my list. I've long loved Les Miserables, and the film was a delight.
Maybe we could quibble about the quote, theologically. But think about it. When Valjean was loved, unlovely as he was with a bag of stolen silver goods in his hands, his life began to change. Then he, in turn, showed love and mercy to others.
Some have complained that the movie was depressing, gritty. Well, yeah. That's what life is like, and it's truly what life was like in that era, for so many. But the hope that persisted through it all! Just remember the last two words of the finale -- "Tomorrow comes."
Wishing you great tomorrows in the coming week,

You and Faith both were writing about Les Mis - I really have to see it now!!
Let me know when you do your book post - they're my favourite kind.
So glad for all the exciting news in your family - congratulations on your novel too!! Looks like 2013 will be an adventure!
such exciting news! and i MUST see les mis....
SO glad you're back doing this, Laura! It always blesses me. SO many wonderful things coming for you - looking forward to learning more!
Sounds like a fun Christmas break you had with your family. We just added a girl to our family (my sis had a baby girl this past week).
Love books and reading too. Just started a new one this week.
I'll have to look for your novel!!
OMGOSH laura!!!! LEs Mis made my list this week too. I have ALWAYS loved Victor Hugo and it's one of my all time fave books!!!!! and I think the people saying that about the movie are the ones who have NOT read the novel because it is JUST like the book, didn't you think so?? minus the thousands of details of course. and i agree with the quote on the premise that ALL humans are made in God's image....i like to think that's what Hugo meant...therefore we see God in others and hopefully they will embrace Him. Awesome news too about your family events and future endeavors!! Have a wonderful weekend.
Yes, the era that Les Mis portrayed was awful for so many. But the love and mercy themes were awesomely portrayed in the movie. I am changed because of this movie. I want to be so much more attentive and look for the places in my every day life where I can extend more mercy and love.
So glad you have a lot of happy things to look forward to in 2013 - especially a grand daughter. :)
I also look forward to hearing about your novel.
Hope your week is a good one, Laura.
The holiday time sounds lovely! And wow, you do have some great things coming up!
I haven't seen Les Mis yet, but the novel is one of my all-time favorites (tied for first place with Tale of Two Cities), so I am looking forward to seeing the film at some point.
I got some books for Christmas, too -- some of my favorite gifts!
Lots of people I know have seen Les Mis, I have not yet.
Love a good pile of books to choose from. I often read a couple at at time.
We were just sitting here debating on seeing Les Mis. Everybody I've read seems to have really liked it.
Had to smile at your pile of books! Definitely share what good titles you'll be working your way through!
Family and holiday time sounds like it had some great memory building times. Fun to hear a Florida girl talking about snowballs, snowmen and sledding!
Sounds like you had a lovely holiday season!
I haven't seen Les Mis but it certainly seems to be the talk of the internet lately. I'm not much a movie person but now I am beginning to be tempted to see it.
2013 sounds like a great year for you and your family - may all your dreams come true!
Your pile of books might be higher than mine. Maybe. :)
OK, I have to see Les Mis. And yes, that era was extraordinarily 'gritty' and depraved in Europe's history. The theme of the book/movie though is redemption--the greatest story of all history.
New babies? New brides? Viva 2013!
That must have been great the whole family together !
Did you know that Victor Hugo wrote Les Miserables" here where I live in Waterloo Belgium ? Last year we celebrated him with a lot of festivities for the 150 anniversary of this book. There were tours to his house, an exposition of the original etc etc. Even in my painting class we had to paint something related to "Les misérables" ! Have a look here, I participated too !
Ahh, there's the wedding news! See what happens when I stay away from FFF for too long . . . I miss all the good stuff! And you have lots of good stuff to celebrate this year:)
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